2 weeks into flowering and nothings happening


It's been two weeks since my lowriders (autoflowering) showed female sex and nothing else is happening. They are still getting taller but I see no difference. What should happen next? Will I see flowers or buds or what? I haven't been able to find any pictures of a plant as it's starting to bud. The plants are between 12 and 16 inches tall and growing under CFLs.


You don't really see much of a difference at that stage. I suggest using nutrients at this stage if you want to boost their maturity. Update us back in like 1-2 weeks.


You don't really see much of a difference at that stage. I suggest using nutrients at this stage if you want to boost their maturity. Update us back in like 1-2 weeks.
Thanks. I just started giving very light doses of nutients (15-35-15). They are starting to loose lower leaves...lights having a hard time getting there I suppose...should that be OK?


Well-Known Member
Yellowing of the lower leaves in flowering is a natural occurrence. Nothing to worry. Just let them be till they fall of or you can give them a small downword tug, and if their ready to go, they will go peacefully.