2 weeks into flower, can i smoke a lttle bud of the plant?? will it do anything??


hi ive heard that plants start producing THC when they reach sexual maturity! my blue widow is two weeks into flower and has little buds at the tips of each branch! i was just wondering if i ever got really desperate and was to take a little bud off to smoke, would there be any point? will it get me high at all? thanks for advice:joint:


Well-Known Member
No it will not get you high very well at this point and i wouldnt recommend taking anything off this early into flowering you could cause a hermie.

You could probably take some off after week 5 or 6 but again this too can still cause untold stress on your lady.

ONe thing to bare in mind is that if you begin cutting off little buds here and there you could be seriously reducing your yield as these small buds at the time could develope into quarter ounce buds by week 8-10.

At this early stage you would still have clear Trichomes which mean there isnt much THC there. The trichs would have to be milky to get any sort of high from your plant.

Once again i would stress that you do not want to try cutting anything off your plant during flowering as you may cause hermie issues.



Well-Known Member
Think about this whatever little bit you take off now could have been ten times bigger at harvest. So a lil gram you smoke now could have been ten great grams later. If you cant wait this is not the hobby for you.


Active Member
hey dude when can i start getting mine to flower?
It all depends on wheter its a clone or seed. Seeds need to be grown for about 6 wks for the hormones to build up, If its a clone you can start to flower a few wks after its rooted, I normally give my clones 2 wks veg before i turn the lights back to 12/12.
This allows the clone to get settled in the system and also allows the clone to reach around 12" tall.