2 weeks in; CFL 300 watt


Active Member
Hi All,

This is my first post after lurking and learning for the last couple of months on what is the best fourm on the interweb..respect

Am into week two of my frist ever grow and looking for a bit of feedback. Here's some details on the set up

The seeds are Hindu kush sensi seeds, germined 5 seeds using paper towel method planted into pastic cups 2 weeks ago and 3 seeds survived until now. transplaned the 3 remaining plans to larger pots today. noticed that there in not that much growth above ground but the plant routes are really moving. was thinking maybe should have transplaned eariler to provide more room and promote more growth. at what stage do CFL growers normally transplant to lager pots.

Am using westland hanging basket compost mixed with some horticutal grit sand, temps are averaging around 65F and humity about 30% light is a 300 watt cfl 6700 with 18/6, light is only a few inches away from the plants

Some photos below. One plant doesn't seem to be doing too good compared to the other two, leaves look dehydrated and under developed.

So do these plants look very small for two weeks? just using water at the moment and plan to begin nutes at end of week 3, 1/4 strenght or should I begin the nutes now.

Any feedback would be welcome





New Member
That light might be a little too close for those young plants. Try raising it about 2in for now until the plants are a little more mature.

grow space

Well-Known Member
looking good man-the one plant what looks like shit would to just fine after 3-4 weeks
keep up the good work


New Member
The intensity from the light being close keeps the plant from growing up and out to the light, try backing off for 2-3 days and you will see it grow by the end of the third day.


Well-Known Member
yes they do seem stunted.... I keep my lights between 2 and 4 inches.... i'm 6 days ahead of you from sprouting and ckeck it... Props to ya and good luck with this grow. peace love and kind nugs.


Active Member
yes they do seem stunted.... I keep my lights between 2 and 4 inches.... i'm 6 days ahead of you from sprouting and ckeck it... Props to ya and good luck with this grow. peace love and kind nugs.
Hi Guys thanks for the feedback :leaf:, its very helpful, Driftwoodg that's awsom, am at the end of week 3 now and they still aren't near that size.
They have done well in the last week since I transplanted them to bigger pots.

grow space you were right about that wee plant it's doing real well now

Am begining them on half strenght bio grow today. So have a question, how long before they show sex, am shitting it that they'll be all lads.

we had a mother of a storm here the other night and lost power they ended up in the dark and the light timer was out of sync but doesn't seem to have done them any damage.

Photo's below, steady as she goes dudes...respect



Active Member
The intensity from the light being close keeps the plant from growing up and out to the light, try backing off for 2-3 days and you will see it grow by the end of the third day.
Your right about the light as had power cut the other night and think that actually helped them grow would you suggest going 12/12 for a few days or just moving he light away a little


Well-Known Member
you would be better off if you mixed a bit of perlite into the soil next time, this will make it more airy and drain better. also be careful not to overwater them, they looked soaked in the first picture. good luck!


Well-Known Member
oh and you cant go to 12/12 'for a few days'. if you are using a 200w cfl, it should be like 1-2 inches away from the plant. you want it as close as possible. Only move to 12/12 when you want to start the flowering phase, generally after 2-4 weeks of vegging at 18/6, but you can start in whenever. personally i went 12/12 from the start.


Well-Known Member
They look alot better man....Also i would do what xray said with your next grow perlite is awsome....Go out and get a moisture meter from HD its only like bucks and takes all the guess work out of watering....I use mine everyday....


Active Member
Thanks guys will be in the states next will pick up a moisture meter then. As of today the Plants still aren't streching out but they seem very healty, bushy and nice smell from them. will post an update Monday with photos which will be the end of week 3. Thanks for the advice and support


Well-Known Member
Ya man lookin nice im havin the same thing goin on with them not stretching just getin bushy, but thats good right??


Active Member
Ya man lookin nice im havin the same thing goin on with them not stretching just getin bushy, but thats good right??
Hi Sirus420, bushy is good better than than a tall bear storke, but I would like my babes to get to about a foot tall before starting into flowering. I think am over watering, will that slow growth?


Well-Known Member
zebedee not sure if it slows growth mate but its a good way to kill your babies. Just water them when they need to be watered i.e. when they are completely dry (not just the top soil). I let mine dry to fuck and they still dont show any sign of wilting (not like my garden plants which need watering everyday in the summer). the roots like to get dry soil as they get more oxygen or something. anyway its easier to correct underwatering than overwatering after all! how they looking now? you shouldnt have any probs vegging under that cfl. what light do you have for flowering? do you have any ventilation? i dont bother with nutes for a few weeks as allmix seems to have enough for them but it depends on your soil how long to leave it, again you should see when they need it...hope that helps


Active Member
Hi Guys,

Its been a while since I posted and just want to provide and update. We have had some very cold weather here and I think that combined with low humity are impacting the grow rate of my babes.

So am 6 weeks into vegging now and as you will see from the photos they are still very small, I was hoping to get them to a foot before flowering, but think that will take forever, since the weather got warmer a very days ago the house is warmer too and they are streaching a little bit.

I have my 2700 lite and wondering if it would be ok to begin into the flowering cycle at this stage and see if they then begin grow abit. suggestions would be helpful




Well-Known Member
They are nice and compact, I'd pot them up, get some perlite in there and give those roots space to stretch, in a week you could flower them and watch them go! Low temps will stunt them for sure, try not to let them fall too low at night. Watch those temps and that will make a big diference as you flower. They look good to go to me, nice and healthy, just give those roots more room.

Good luck.


Active Member
Cheers Phoenix58, perlite is ordered and picking up bigger pots tomorrow, will give it another week and then switch to flowing mode.




New Member
Wow, those things have come a long way in a short time. Good stuff, I cant get over how compact those things are.
You have vegged long enough, its time to flip the switch and flower those things. If your going to change the pots, use
deeper instead of wider. That makes them grow up instead of out. When you do switch keep some of the blue lights in
along with warm lights. Help cuts down on stretch if height is an issue, however looking at your plants I doubt you'll have
an issue with them getting too tall. After about 2 weeks in flower we get to start the fun part, trimming up those huge ass
leafs. That must be an indica for those leafs to be so wide.


Well-Known Member
Ya man that is the only thing i can think of would be to go with a bigger pot. My smaller plant is acting like yours and is sittin at like 4 inches and not stretching- the older one ( by two weeks) was 9 1/2 iches last night so hopefully by friday i can switch the lights :) :) :) .