2 Weeks from sprout, advice welcomed


Active Member
Greetings to all,

So this is 14 days growth. From left to right : Cream Caramel, Larry Lime. Northern Lights, White Widow. All auto fem. How do they look?

Currently under 4 small desktop grow lights (constant) and when I can, direct sun (about 3 hours a day).
Soil is Plant Magic Plus and I will stay with that. Watering has been minimal and no feed has been given.

Next week they HAVE to go outside into 2 gallon fabric pots. I have a sheltered and secure spot which unfortunately will only get 6 hours direct sun max.

Grown before but not thIs way or this type of genetics.

All advice will be very much appreciated.




Active Member
After another week (21 days since sprout now) I have had problems, they were due to be repotted and placed outside but it has been pissing down! Bottom leaves turned yellow and died ,those next above showing fading now too. Maybe I under watered as they have perked up since given a nice drink. Flowering really early ....this doesn't seem right??/Help!

Should I feed?


