2 weeks from harvest in aero6 flush or not flush?

Seems like gettin diff answers thought I would ask u guys. I'm 2 weeks from harvest in a botanicare aero6 and was wondering if I should go ahead and flush or not.what do u guys recommend.


Well-Known Member
I would wait tell about three day away then flush. You only need to flush for a few days not two weeks.


Active Member
agree with bran 3days to a week tops. my last run i flushed for a week. grew white widow and used botanicare, aero18. luv aero btw!

Illegal Smile

Since you don't know for sure when your harvest date will be, I would flush about 4-5 days prior to your best estimate, but then if you need to let go another week or more in plain water to get the trichs right it is no problem.


Well-Known Member
what are the feedings like with aero? three part? or constant light feedings
Typically 1 minute of spray 5 minutes of hanging there in the air. It is just sprayers spraying the roots which hang in midair where none of the roots are in water. That is aero, if the roots go into the water too that is a hybrid system or a boo boo