2 Weeks Flowering, Pics!!! Hawaiian Snow, wwXssh mix


Well-Known Member
Me either, they just keep looking more and more sexy every day..

Now I'm mind f'ing my self trying to figure out what 2 to put into the flowering room, so I can start my progressive schedule!

Burn on!:peace:bongsmilie
haha ooh ya!!!!

i think i might flush once this week b/c i have been using really strong feedings.

I just want to be safe :)


Well-Known Member
hey all!!

the ladies are all doing great!, starting to fill in nicely and the buds are really hard, and idk if anyone else watch the hawiian snow vidoe on google with the greenhouse guy, but when the guy is talking about the tower structure the buds form .. it really idoes do that .. they have bout two more weeks to fill in then the next two to ripen!

So.. 4more weeks to go :)

Fred Flintstoner

Active Member
hey all!!

the ladies are all doing great!, starting to fill in nicely and the buds are really hard, and idk if anyone else watch the hawiian snow vidoe on google with the greenhouse guy, but when the guy is talking about the tower structure the buds form .. it really idoes do that .. they have bout two more weeks to fill in then the next two to ripen!

So.. 4more weeks to go :)

pics senor? :)


Well-Known Member
ya ill post tommorow for sure!

been real busy! and the girls have been wanting to get heeir pics taken!(haha) so ... ill do it tommorow! :)


Well-Known Member
welp heres the ladies bout 3 and a half weeks to go (maayb a lil longer)

and also pics of my bb and wwm seedlings, and i think there might be a group shot of some clones as well



Well-Known Member
hey all i had to cut the two big en's down due to the lack of room i have to set up my bubbleponic system somemtime oday then once i do that i have to wait pry bout 4 or 5 more days for my other batch of clones to come out of the cloner then off to the bubble system.

tI super cropped four of the TSS branches today, the two main ones and the next two taller ones. she is in the bubbbler, soooo...yea.. i also topped her yesterday .. i kno it like a 2weeks in flowring .. but she was getting way tooooooooo tall wayyy to fast gain an avg of 2inches a day.... most the time 3.... so .. i had to do soemthing .. she'll be fine... mark my words ;) . but the bubbleponic system has a huge rez and such... and ill pry put TSS clones, HS, BB, and WWM... i have not germed the super silver haze seeds yet and pry will not do so for a while ..

ill give some numbers on the weight when im done! :)

im HOPING from the two of them i get like 5 oz dried... i should .. i have a lot n real nice and dense :)

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
hey all i had to cut the two big en's down due to the lack of room i have to set up my bubbleponic system somemtime oday then once i do that i have to wait pry bout 4 or 5 more days for my other batch of clones to come out of the cloner then off to the bubble system.

tI super cropped four of the TSS branches today, the two main ones and the next two taller ones. she is in the bubbbler, soooo...yea.. i also topped her yesterday .. i kno it like a 2weeks in flowring .. but she was getting way tooooooooo tall wayyy to fast gain an avg of 2inches a day.... most the time 3.... so .. i had to do soemthing .. she'll be fine... mark my words ;) . but the bubbleponic system has a huge rez and such... and ill pry put TSS clones, HS, BB, and WWM... i have not germed the super silver haze seeds yet and pry will not do so for a while ..

ill give some numbers on the weight when im done! :)

im HOPING from the two of them i get like 5 oz dried... i should .. i have a lot n real nice and dense :)
Hey Skunk, You built some kind buds this round, and even the sativa are bulking up nicely. :weed: