2 weeks flowered then to the woods.. need help


Well-Known Member
i have some plants started and was wanting to place them outside around last frost or april 15th.. issue is i wanted them to finish early spring so i have them two weeks flowered in 6" coco cubes, and they have been kept in an ebb and flow system .......

if i plant the 6" cubes in holes i dug and water once a week in early spring with the jump on sexing from indoor, finish them by end of may/???? light cycles for the area at 12 hr light from aril 1,,, to 15 hrs may 30??? any help greatly appreciated..


Well-Known Member
they might jump back into reveg if the hours start to get longer

I remember my outdoor crop in hawaii was planted in january, then the light hours were about 11 or so, as the days went on, they got longer, but not by much since hawaii is near the equator, about 12 and a half hours of sunlight, they still didn't go to veg, but probably would have had the daylight hours gone longer.

Cannbis reacts to light cycles, when they start getting less and less, they start thinking about flowering, when it gets more and more, they just veg till the time starts to go down and eventually falls around 12/12 of daylight/sunlight.

15 sounds iffy to me, I am pretty sure towards the last half of their flowering or so, they will want to reveg. But give it a try, it varies between all strains/conditions. try not to feed them high amounts of nitrogen towards the end of their flowering period as it will influence them to veg more.


Well-Known Member
they might jump back into reveg if the hours start to get longer

I remember my outdoor crop in hawaii was planted in january, then the light hours were about 11 or so, as the days went on, they got longer, but not by much since hawaii is near the equator, about 12 and a half hours of sunlight, they still didn't go to veg, but probably would have had the daylight hours gone longer.

Cannbis reacts to light cycles, when they start getting less and less, they start thinking about flowering, when it gets more and more, they just veg till the time starts to go down and eventually falls around 12/12 of daylight/sunlight.

15 sounds iffy to me, I am pretty sure towards the last half of their flowering or so, they will want to reveg. But give it a try, it varies between all strains/conditions. try not to feed them high amounts of nitrogen towards the end of their flowering period as it will influence them to veg more.
indoor the strain finish's in 8 weeks, 7 produces very good buds and potency as well.. thats why i figured if i intiated flowering indoors for around 2.5 3.5 weeks and put them out in mid april here they would hopefully finish?... that would keep them in 13.5-14 hrs daylight..

and could i off set some of the time with a bush or something behind it to the west??


Well-Known Member
I really couldn't tell ya. lots of things influence when a plant is gonna flower. It all depends on the strain/environmental conditions.

Give it a try though. id say theres a good chance they would make it till the end.


Active Member
I need this info too. But I'm gonna transplant clones out no matter what. If they veg for couple more months then so be it. Peace and weed.


New Member
Plants dont "think", they have no brains. All of their flowering and vegging is done by light induced chemicals. They dont wake up one morning and go "wow, the days are getting shorter, i think ill go ahead and flower".

Nothing personal, but it just cracks me up when i read someon referencing their plants "thinking"


Well-Known Member
Plants dont "think", they have no brains. All of their flowering and vegging is done by light induced chemicals. They dont wake up one morning and go "wow, the days are getting shorter, i think ill go ahead and flower".

Nothing personal, but it just cracks me up when i read someon referencing their plants "thinking"
i missed the whole "thinking" part your talking about.. what are you talking about??