2 week stretch is about to decapitate my plant


Damn:o I love that she is getting bigger but another day and she might of decapitated herself.

I'm adding another (thicker) brace on the other side to provide more support. After supporting the trunk above the gash, I thought I would cut off the twist tie (very carefully), add popsicle stick braces, then smear the cut with honey.

Would this be the best way to solve this dilemma?


AMG Power

Well that is quite the problem. The issue is the twist tie you are using. It's sharp and too thin of a profile, it's sad that it's happened but I would try to work it out of there gently and replace it with string from your local hydro store. Never do it again and use plant safe string. Good luck


Well-Known Member
That will be fine just untwist the other side and leave it hanging or clip the sides..theres plenty connected there to keep her alive..lol though i lost a branch last time to the same thing..only im a retard bwcause im indoors and see em every day.


Well-Known Member
on one of my old tree houses the tree grew around the wood and nails for the ladder, now they are barely visible lol. she'll be fine, your plant may have already grown around it, you could untwist it and see if it comes out...