2 week old plants leaves look dry

the soil im using in these pot i fookin hate man so shit but iv got some real good compost to put them in and a massive bag of perlite to add with it and bigger pots now i was hopin that it would be ok to repot them soon koz i wna get the new compost n perlite to them ????? plz advize
it can be caused by eather over watering or under watering but what i would do is mist them everynight make sure the water int cold though it could make them go into shock and make sure you do it while the lights are off when you do it. how high are the lights above the plant??
im using cfl so there about an inch and a half away .. the soil im using is crap tho and theres no perlite in it but iv got perlte n new soil can i repot them
interesting, ive noticed the same with mine. and i also have a fan right beside the plants. im on day 6 since it sprouted and mine look like your 2 week old babies. what strain are you growing?
that would be about the same age then mate koz mine took about a week just under to germinate lol im growing northern lights special in soil and perlite (jus repotted lol) under 2 x 200w maxibright veg (special grow lights from greenfinger hydroponics in london) there cfl so i dnt no how much 400w is if they were not cfl lol . since i turnt fan off liast night my leaves r alot more shiney and look juicy lol
them plants look fine to me they where nice and green I wouldnt not worry about the leave being shinny, If you are worrying about the leaves being shinny your going have a long season ahead of you..lol try not to worry so much remember these are plants that are use to living in the outdoors. I dont let a few curled leaves or yellowing leaves bother me the plant knows how to cure itself.
thanks for the info guys iv jus repotted them and gave them a good old water alsao added perlite . turn fan off at 8pm till 8am . this is due to me feeding and watering them at 8am and 8pm so the water gets to work its way dwn n all wivout the fan dryin it during the night n also it cant b heard at night when ppl r asleep so its happy days all round lol plz reply .. also a rep point wudnt hurt lol
I have the same problem guys.... I will send you some pictures now.


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