2 week old not looking so good


Active Member
update..shes 38 days from seed and still problems.power outage didnt help.yellowing brownong lower leaves some with green viens.tips curled down(think i gave it too much n a few weeks ago)stems turning purple on underside and small twisted new growth.growing very quick 1 inch a day past 6 days
.12.jpg1105110722.jpgmms_picture_3.jpgmms_picture_4.jpgDue for a watering tonight.Last feed was botonicare bloom and cal mag 400ppm.not sure what to give her.


Active Member
Hmm, it seems to me your falling into the classic trap of overcaring for your little friend here. I'm no expert, but it could be you have been giving it too much water, let it dry out before watering again. Also the new purpeling could be due to temprature as well as its getting close to rootbound. Let it dry out and repot it in a new pot thats got more holes and are deeper.
If your using soil, keep back on giving it any full strength nutes before flowering. Most soil based mediums contain enugh food for the plant to go on the first 2 months. repotting with fresh soil adds the nutes it needs. I add alittle bonemeal into the soil when the plant is bout 6 weeks, makes em look pretty :)


Active Member
dont think im overwatering.every 4-5 days.got a moisture meter.power outage brought temp down to 65 at night.shes a lil droopy in pics cause it was right before lights out.she always drooped after a hard days work.