2 week old bushy plant help!!

My 2 week old.fem big bang.grew from seed... Should I stretch this a little as in move the light higher its a 125cfl blue 6500k ..any other advice feel free and I don't no what is the matter with bottom leaf??




Well-Known Member
Let her be. With CFL a shorter plant is better anyway. I have one bushy g13 cheese now and she's beautiful. She's not even stretching much 2 weeksinto flower and now I have lifted a good foot to keep her even with my other plants :-)


New Member
It take time, as ur only using a cfl it'll take longer, also as u topped her it will slow her down a bit, I wouldn't move light away as CFLs don't penetrate far anyway.

depending how big u want her, she's still only 2 weeks, she still putting down roots, you'll notice her start growing faster in a week or so.

also topping her will make her more bushy, it you wanted height, maybe next time top a bit later. But if u scrogging, depending how big the scrog is, keep topping, but you could be looking at a month or two more of veg.


New Member
Let us know exactly what ur plans are with her, and we can advise u better.

ie. size of planned scrog, is it just that plant, room height, etc.

I use CFLs in my veg tent, I keep them between1-4 inches above the plants, depending how many plants I have, if its just one, I put the bulb close as possible. Always keep a fan blowing between the bulb and canopy though.

and keep an eye on top of plants for heat stress, as long as you can keep your hand there without burning ur plants are good. I've never had heat stress issues and my HIDs are between 8-12 inches away sometimes.
My plans are to scrog the plant... My scrog is about 1m x 0.5m I will be flowering under 125w cfl 2700k and will get 4 45w bulbs aswell should I get all 4 in 2700k aswell during flowering??


In my opinion, I believe you should have all 2700K during flower because this is the spectrum that will be most absorbed during the flowering stage. Sure 6500K will get absorbed too but if it were me, I would want as much bang for my buck as possible.

In response to your Scrogging dilemma, I can only answer so much as I only LST/Top my plants. But I normally wait till the 4th or 5th node to top. I tie the fan leaves down to the pot as it continues to grow so that the budding sites can absorb more of the direct light. I agree with TrichomeBob that you need to keep the bulbs as close as possible but not close enough that the plants are stressing about the temperature rise.

Hope this helps man