2 time!!!But now White and Snow!!!Pics


Well-Known Member
you may want to start flushing soon
Hello Mate!!!:peace:
I have one flower is arond 70% orange hairs and i just flush one time last week....
And my Snow white is arond 50%, but my strong one is totaly white but the bugs is fucking Big, maybe the last plant i need to wait one week more...
But we see, i gonna post pics in the end the 7 week!

PS:Week 7
Lamps on!
Temp- 79.5F
HMD- 42%

Ph- 6.5 and 6.1

I have take way the leaves bad fron all the plants...for not take energy fron the plants!!!

Take care:peace:


Well-Known Member
Hello Mates...7 weeks flowers
I just have note two my plants is start to slow down !!!!
what i gonna do??? Finish then?
But i have one plant need to go at list 2 weeks!


Well-Known Member
those are looking real nice man .:joint::hump:bongsmiliebongsmilie:bigjoint:
can you get a clearer pic of the buds ?
Is nice to see is get closer to finish!!!
I gonna take the news pics today later and i post for you can see and tell me yours pont...
But the are great test!!!!
Take care:weed:


Well-Known Member
This is one my plants more strong with brown hairs, I think give one more week and finish her?
I have 2 plants going at list 2 weeks more....one becouse just got white hairs, and one is 75% brown hairs...
Guys i realy lost because i don´t know when to finish then in rigth time!
Thanks guys:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Guys i have take look in this plant and i Finish her, i move her to one place dark for 48h fron now!
This plant guys going now in 8 weeks flower, she have been strong with realy big leaves and first with got flower!:weed:
You can see in this pic down, And my plant is all browns stigmas and if i wait to long i can lose her...
Am i our i have do one shit now???
Please tell me!!!


Well-Known Member
its really hard to tell man, the pics are blurry too.
but i think 2 weeks would do it
I have finish her mate because i have take look and one more week i think the can be bad, all the hairs is brown, not have one new hairs come white!
I hope i rigth the have been 24h in the dark and i have cut then!
Now is just one week for then can dry and then put in the jars and open all days around 30 minuts yea?
Take care:weed: