2 Strawberry cough 2 Liberty Haze 5 Wonder Woman


Well-Known Member

I figured I should start one of these journals to share.
These photos are from yesterday.
The veg chamber is a 150w hps with 4 23w cfl 6400 or whatever the higher number is. It has the 5 wonder woman clones in 1gal pots except for the one yohgurt container.
My soil is homemade compost, local mixed manure(chicken,goat,horse), lime, blood/bone meal, and potting mix to lossen it up.
I fertilize with compost teas. And I am recently experimenting with using forest products in my teas(wild mushrooms, forest soils).
In my flower room is a 430w hps it 2'x4'x6' with 230cfm exhaust, passive intake and a 10" circ. fan. Temp and humidity are unknown because I have never check.( this is not my first grow and it hasn't posed an issue as of yet so I will not worry). This is where I keep my 2 strawberry cough and 2 liberty haze. They were put into floweing on sat sept 21. They all sit at about 21" as of lights out tonight. they have been topped and trained into several tops. They are in 4 gal bucket or there about because I have trimmed the rim's off to give me the extra inches in my room.
I hope you enjoy. Feel free to judge, comment, spectate, heckle
See you around
The Cosmic Goat


Well-Known Member

Day 6 of 12/12 for the LH and SC. Grew about an inch over night. Not to much strech so far, probally 5 inches, just under 1" a day. The SC is a bit quicker, I have had to boost up the LH. No smell yet either.

The WW clones are moving along nicely, watered last night with a compost tea using soil from the forest with a mushroom in it. The tea was smelling all mushroomy. The girls looked happy this morning so Im going to presume they liked it.


Well-Known Member
Planned power outage #2 this week in about 5 mins. for about 5hrs. Flashlights are ready. 4th outage in the last month 2 planned, 2 from storms. Winter in coming quickly. See you all in a couple hrs.

Also on another note, who is watching the Quiksilver Pro France???


Well-Known Member

Power outage set-up, just a bunch of flashlights to not create any darkness. Still waiting for the power to go off.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Ringsixty, this is such an exciting time of growth stretch/preflower. Even more exciting when you are trying new strains.


Well-Known Member
He is a mix of pics from today. I tried to pair them up but it got all scrambled. There is 1 side view and 1 top view of each strawberry cough and liberty haze all 1 week into 12/12, and the 4 girls all bundled up are the wonder woman in their veg box.


They're looking good. I've always wanted to do a Strawberry Cough, I believe next growing season I am going to try a batch of them. Let me ask you, with what you are doing with mixing in compost and forest soils... have you done anything to treat any of this? I'm experimenting with my own home made mix on a Sour Diesel clone I kept from last grow right now. Mine is a mixture of kitchen scraps mixed with grass clippings and shredded leaves from last fall that have been composting outdoors all summer. I usually mix that in with my vegetable garden soil every spring but I figured I'd experiment with it for the indoor garden this year. I didn't do anything to it, just mixed it up and planted my clone in it. I don't like the idea of using chemicals, I'm trying to veer towards organic with everything I do. But I can't help but wonder if I should be worrying about pests or any sort of diseases that I'm bringing into the house? What do you think?


Well-Known Member
They're looking good. I've always wanted to do a Strawberry Cough, I believe next growing season I am going to try a batch of them. Let me ask you, with what you are doing with mixing in compost and forest soils... have you done anything to treat any of this? I'm experimenting with my own home made mix on a Sour Diesel clone I kept from last grow right now. Mine is a mixture of kitchen scraps mixed with grass clippings and shredded leaves from last fall that have been composting outdoors all summer. I usually mix that in with my vegetable garden soil every spring but I figured I'd experiment with it for the indoor garden this year. I didn't do anything to it, just mixed it up and planted my clone in it. I don't like the idea of using chemicals, I'm trying to veer towards organic with everything I do. But I can't help but wonder if I should be worrying about pests or any sort of diseases that I'm bringing into the house? What do you think?
I use the forest soil/compost mix for brewing in my compost teas. Using my compost indoors for soil I do get some bugs crawling around, but I have never had an issue with any infestations. I think if its properly composted it will only carry the pests that will benefit your soil. I keep hearing that using compost tea as a foliar spray helps control pests too, which I have been doing. I just ordered a 1/2# of red wigglers to start my indoor worm composter. I should have fresh castings for my next batch :leaf:
I highly recommend you start playing with compost teas. They are really simply and incredible effective.
The strawberry cough has been real easy to grow so far. they are feminised from dutch passion.


Well-Known Member
Stretch is starting to slow down and nodes are starting to cluster.
liberty haze.jpgliberty haze (2).jpgliberty haze (3).jpg
these are some liberty haze shots
strawberry cough.jpgstrawberry cough (4).jpgstrawberry cough (2).jpgstrawberry cough (3).jpg
And some strawberry cough.


Well-Known Member
So I decided to move 3 of the wonder woman into the flower chamber. The one in the yoghurt container and the 2 larger ones about 11". The yoghurt container one is hanging of the wall in the corner. I was going to throw it out, but I am curious on what it will bring me? I guessing an 1/8th. The two larger ones I squeezed inbetween the SC and LH. SC on the left and LH on the right.
Also I snapped a branch of SC by mistake, hanging on by a thread. Made a splint and it looks like it might make it(photos tomorrow).

Here is the flower room with the WW.


Well-Known Member
Here are some photos from today
LH 2 phenos (5).jpgwonder woman.jpgLH 2 phenos.jpgSC.jpgSC short node pheno.jpgSC long node pheno.jpgSC phenos.jpg

Streching seems to be finished and I guess its time to start filling in. I watered them today with some liquid Bat guano(0-2-0) and a drop of fish fert.(5-1-1) I run the mix through the air pump for 1hr and pour it on.


Well-Known Member
Day 19 for the Liberty Haze and Strawberry cough. Didn't take any photos of the wonder woman. I forgot. Gave them a watering with some compost tea and 0-2-0 bat guano. watered down 50/50ish but the leaves seem to be clawing a bit since. About 1hr now since being watered.
