2 Simple Cannabutter Questions - Trimmings


Well-Known Member
Well I tried posting this in the Cooking section but that place is like dead, so thought I'd bring it here.

I will be harvesting my first crop soon and I don't want to sacrifice any of the bud for butter but I do want to try and make some. So my question is, can I use all of the plants trimmings (stalks, leaves...everything [except roots lol]) for the cannabutter? Or should I only use leaves that have trichromes on them? I have a 60x-100x microscrope so I would be able to figure out where the trichromes are at, I just want to know what exactly I can use.

Also, how much trimmings should I use per 1 1/4 stick of butter? I've heard ~2 oz but just let me know either way.

Thanks for all the help guys, I want to cure my plants properly and don't think they will all make the 4/20 deadline, but the leaves can dry and be made within a few days so I'm loving this idea haha


Well-Known Member
This is what I do. I take all the fans off and toss, unless coated with trichs (set aside if so) then start triming off all the bud leaves, if a piece of bud drops it goes with leafs.
Dry that stuff, a few days. I normally get about a oz of trim for next step.

Ok I get a pot of water going, enough to cover all leaves I sat aside, I also set aside a Big enough bowl to hold all the water I have in pot. I get water boiling then turn down to a LOW simmer, then add 3 sticks BUTTER (real fat butter) Once that melts I add all the leaves and continue to slow simmer for 2 hrs, stiring once in awhile. Then I let cool down just a little I still want it hot , but need to work with out being burned.
Now pour out into the Big Bowl through a strainer and then push the weed up against strainer to squeeze out all butter. Set the bowl in the fridge and wait for the butter to float to the top and harden. Once it hardens you just pull out of bowl and there you have about 2 sticks of Ganja Butter. I use all the butter on One batch of brownies and normally get 24 brownies with a 6-8 hr HIGH per brownie. It's way fun because it's creeper takes around an hour so be patient.


Well-Known Member
This is what I do. I take all the fans off and toss, unless coated with trichs (set aside if so) then start triming off all the bud leaves, if a piece of bud drops it goes with leafs.
Dry that stuff, a few days. I normally get about a oz of trim for next step.

Ok I get a pot of water going, enough to cover all leaves I sat aside, I also set aside a Big enough bowl to hold all the water I have in pot. I get water boiling then turn down to a LOW simmer, then add 3 sticks BUTTER (real fat butter) Once that melts I add all the leaves and continue to slow simmer for 2 hrs, stiring once in awhile. Then I let cool down just a little I still want it hot , but need to work with out being burned.
Now pour out into the Big Bowl through a strainer and then push the weed up against strainer to squeeze out all butter. Set the bowl in the fridge and wait for the butter to float to the top and harden. Once it hardens you just pull out of bowl and there you have about 2 sticks of Ganja Butter. I use all the butter on One batch of brownies and normally get 24 brownies with a 6-8 hr HIGH per brownie. It's way fun because it's creeper takes around an hour so be patient.
hah damn that sounds like a plan, but 2 sticks of butter for 1 batch of brownies that seems like a lot hah.

Also you do 1 oz per 3 sticks of butter and in the growFAQ it says something like 2 oz for 1 1/4 sticks of butter so thats interesting, thanks


Well-Known Member
Yeah it turns out to be too much butter for recipe but I don't like to waste butter lol. If its good bud 1 oz of trim will be m ore than enough, but once you bake or make butter it only last for a week so eat up. Use some on toast in the morning it will give you a nice long buzz.


Well-Known Member
I will be harvesting my first crop soon and I don't want to sacrifice any of the bud for butter but I do want to try and make some. So my question is, can I use all of the plants trimmings (stalks, leaves...everything [except roots lol]) for the cannabutter? Or should I only use leaves that have trichromes on them? I have a 60x-100x microscrope so I would be able to figure out where the trichromes are at, I just want to know what exactly I can use.

Also, how much trimmings should I use per 1 1/4 stick of butter? I've heard ~2 oz but just let me know either way.
You are in luck, I have made cannabuter 100's of times. I used to know a grower who would give me trimmings and anything I wanted off the floor. So for years it was my main source of head stash. I have been meaning to start a question and answer thread in the cooking section.

The other guy detailed the basic method. The idea is the resin will go in the oil. By using water and an oil that hardens it is possible to concentrate the result because you can use more weed and less oil. If the stuff has visible crystals on it you can make it bone dry and powder it and put it directly in to brownies. If you want uber-potent butter you need to use a oil/water extraction on chrystalized stuff. One option is to make weak butter with all the fan leaves and stuff. Then use the weak butter and the good crystallized dry pondered trim together in brownies.

I gotta run. But I will write more, if you have any spacific question I should be able to answer them.