2 seedlings in egg carton; transplant question?


Active Member
you all know what an egg carton looks like well i got two bad boys growin right now and im just curious as to when I transplant.


Well-Known Member
I like to wait until they've got a couple of nodes' worth of growth (actually, I wait until the cups are blown over because the seedlings are too big).

My method:

Have their new home prepared with good soil, slightly damp (you want it to hold together a bit and not be bone dry), including a hole made that will put the seedling at the same height at which it has grown.
Place the stem of your seedling between your fingers, palm down, so that your hand supports the soil and rootball of the seedling as you gently tip it over to free it from the egg carton.
Gently break up the very bottom, unless it comes apart on its own (you don't want to remove too much soil from the new ball of root growth or you can quickly and easily kill it).
Gently invert into place, begin firming the soil down from the BOTTOM of the rootball up.
Continue firming the soil around the new transplant until it can stand up on its own.
Water well, watch grow. :D

Hope this helps.