2 problems-co2 turns on top leafs droop? then week 4 bottom leafs yellow WHY? rep +

there is more drooping and yellowing under the lrg shades( the bulb is horizontal) as oppose to the china man shades ( the bulb hangs vertical)... is this possibly have something to do with my 2 problems like... do horizontal bulbs relaese more heat and therby creating a burn and could this be provoked and supplemented with the placement of my co2 generotor.... ive added a pic of the layout to give u a better idea .. thanks for the help.

That's because horizontal bulbs shine more light perpendicular to the leaf surface. In order to avoid a burn, the droop.

Mate, your yellowing cannot be caused by any N def, since your veins and leaves are dark green. An N def causes the whole leaf, includinf veins tu turn yellow, while in your case the spaces between the veins turned yellow first. That's almost 100% mag def.
PPM being at 1400 is high...unless their clones from a 3 foot mom right...? I'm at 1400ppm with no clawing or burning.
sorry man im really high right now lol

yea im in bloom, so id it too little N and what about the Mag??? is it one or the other or both?? and how do i fix it

Oh, just remembered. Try doing this: after flushing, add some nutes with little N and alot of P. P tends to help the plant absorb magenesium naturally. This way you won't need to buy cal-mag.

I've noticed that most mag defs are a result of a somewhat overlooked P def.
Hey bud, It depends on the table i use different shades and tables to fit the room better... take a lookm at the jpeg i just posted i think its enough light if not to much for the area....btw, all the shades have 1000 watt bulbs....

Yes please tell us more, sounds very intriguing.....

Simply a question that was intended to give you a hand, as I do not remember you saying what size light you have.

Seems you have plenty, so carry on and good luck with your grow.


Rev. TheNatural
Ive noticed a trend come week 4 and when i turn on the co2 , i dont know if they arel inked together or seperate things, but its driving me nuts as i cant figure out if its a defeceny or something else..

My setup is:

Hydro-Flood and drain recurculating
I use AN micro, grow, bloom with some extra B called blast off
I grow cherry strain and peak in week 4 at 1400 ppm.
Co2 is set for 1400 ppm with a differntail of 75
My temps are 85 day around 70 night
HUmidity when lights on is around 30 and when lights off its at about 50

So the trend that ive been noticing is that in week 2 when i turn the co2 on the top leafs begin to thin and droop a bit as u can see in the pic... is this normal have any of u experianced this when using co2?

Then in week 4 i have noticed the bottom leaves to yellow and get this strange brown crust and occasioanl brown spots on them. Is this a deffeciny or soemthing else. I know the yellowing happens nautrally but this seems to earlier and the brown crust and spots makes me think its a defficeiny, what do u think.....

And are both these linked to one another or are they seperate problems....

First pic is of the plant 3 days after introducing co2, leafs are drooping and a bit thin.....

NExt 2 pics is of the yellowing and brown crust that always comes up in week 4....
I have the same problem dont know what it is need help as well