Doctor Cannabis
Well-Known Member
there is more drooping and yellowing under the lrg shades( the bulb is horizontal) as oppose to the china man shades ( the bulb hangs vertical)... is this possibly have something to do with my 2 problems like... do horizontal bulbs relaese more heat and therby creating a burn and could this be provoked and supplemented with the placement of my co2 generotor.... ive added a pic of the layout to give u a better idea .. thanks for the help.
That's because horizontal bulbs shine more light perpendicular to the leaf surface. In order to avoid a burn, the droop.
Mate, your yellowing cannot be caused by any N def, since your veins and leaves are dark green. An N def causes the whole leaf, includinf veins tu turn yellow, while in your case the spaces between the veins turned yellow first. That's almost 100% mag def.