2+ plants in one potter?


Active Member
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but when most people grow hydroponicly (sp?) don't they grow multiple plants in one bath full of peatmoss or something? So if those plants can share root systems, can plants in soil share root systems? I know that they'll prob fight each other for space, nutrients, and H2O which would prob suck for the plants (I'm no botanist). My last 4 plants grew like badasses but unfortunately they all came out f-ing males; so I know I can grow decent plants (just need females this time). so If I used huge ass square potters and put two plants in them, would it be totally shitty? or just kinda shitty? or could I pull it off? I'm curious because I don't have much space, and I want more plants, cause if my odds of 4 plants being male when I seed them, I want to start with 6 or 7, and prob should do like 8-10. Anyway, any help and or advice would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Naw bra thats not a good idea. just use sep pots bra. if space is a prob do a sea of green (sog) and train them


Well-Known Member
Hey man I grew 3 plants in a 3 gallon pot. 2 of them turned out to be males so chopped them up from the main stem. quick. And, the one that turned out to be female grew fast after those males were gone probably fed on the roots from the males.


Well-Known Member
Soma grows in beds 3x3 or 4x4.

Everyone talks about diseases spreading from one plant to another. but I have YET to see one post on "What disease does my plant have?"


Well-Known Member
Don't they fight fo space n nutes also light. It'll look like a big ass bush and wont get enough distributed light. in beds dat sounds right. but in one pot? leaves be everywhere n coverin da buds.


Well-Known Member
So what happens if you somehow accidentally fuck things up on that one pot and all the plants die, well that would suck so i also suggest using 1 plant to each pot. At least you have a little more control of each plant that way.

In hydro they Do not use tubs full of peat moss, they might use rockwool or hydroton/soiless mix to be the medium in which the roots anchor the plant, but they grow the roots into plain ole water and take up the nutes through the water.


Well-Known Member
They do a natural LST when there is multiple plants in one pot. Mine bent to side for space. But like I said 1 out of 3 was a female.