2 plants in bad shape

Papa Squat4

Active Member
I had to be in the hospital for 4 days and hoped my plants would be ok but 2 of the 5 couldn't handle being treated like adults I guess. A lot of leaf sets look like old lady hands with arthritis or something and some yellowing starting in the middle of the blade from outside in.

Since I am incompetent with looking at the diagnosis pictures because I turn into a huge hypochondriac. Thinking they have every symptom. So any help is appreciated so I can fix the problem instead of self diagnosing and harming even more with bad treatments.

I'm trying to learn these symptoms hands on



Active Member
Last time I had this , I fixed with dolomite, as mine was a calcium def. Looks similar to me.
It affects new growth just like that, along with rusty spots on older leaves.

Papa Squat4

Active Member
Thanks....should have some in a bucket around the basement but ill have to wait till tomorrow anyway.....its nap time for them. So if a different diagnosis comes along it won't be too late. I just want them to show sex already. Been 6 weeks from popping soil and they are 3 ft tall now.

Once I determine sex, I'm mothering the best female and just taking clones every two weeks for a SOG

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
it looks like the leaves are clawing which is from over water. it seems like the new growth is lighter green than the rest which is somewhat normal. if you want it darker green just feed with it with something that has some nitrogen in it. if you think it is cal or mag defieciency get some cal/mag and use that everytime you water if you are using r/o water.

Papa Squat4

Active Member
I'll cut my next watering out.....am I able to chop down a substantial amount if I topped? I want to take off a couple inches and even out the canopies but I have very little verticle space left to raise my lights. So what I'm asking is should I top it, but top like 6 or so inches, or should I super crop