2 Plants in 1 Pot........


Hi, im new to growing. I have two plants in the one pot, they are pretty close to each other and just over a week old. Should i separate them? If so, how exactly? Just spoon one out or what? Thanks in advance :joint:


Well-Known Member
Always grow in seperate pots.

Just dig down a little to find the root system, then pull it out being careful not to damage it.


Always grow in seperate pots.

Just dig down a little to find the root system, then pull it out being careful not to damage it.
Ok will do, is it easy to damage the roots? how much space would the roots have taken up by now? sorry 2 be a pain but i REALLY DONT WANA FUCK THIS UP!! :joint:


Well-Known Member
although i would NEVER EVER actually recommend putting multiple plants into one pot, due to many reasons i was forced to do this during the grow im doing... im not having any major problems by anymeans and im flowering some beautiful girls.... check out my journal below in my signature if you want to check them out...

but as was said if you can re pot you should.. be careful when seperating the roots.. be as GENTLE as possible.. i would water with a transplant shock inhibiter/root growth stimulator... this will help your plants jump back sooner and help them start growing their new roots quicker...

good luck


although i would NEVER EVER actually recommend putting multiple plants into one pot, due to many reasons i was forced to do this during the grow im doing... im not having any major problems by anymeans and im flowering some beautiful girls.... check out my journal below in my signature if you want to check them out...

but as was said if you can re pot you should.. be careful when seperating the roots.. be as GENTLE as possible.. i would water with a transplant shock inhibiter/root growth stimulator... this will help your plants jump back sooner and help them start growing their new roots quicker...

good luck
Thanks man, gone get a pot soon and try it! Im so nervous!!


Well-Known Member
dont be nervous.. really its not hard at all... and unless you completely tear off the roots from one of your plants they will be fine... weed is a very resilent plant.. it can take a pounding and bounce back... your plants will be just fine... like i said if you can get some shock inhibiter/root stimulator you will be better off... but even without that you should be fine...

the biggest thing is just take your time and be patient.... you cant rush it when you pull them apart... if you rush it you will have problems...



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
if they are in big enough pot say like 10 gall. to 20 gallon pot you willbe just fine and still get some very nice size plants and a great yield.the smaller the pot for 2 plant is not good.always go big pots for two plants.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
although i would NEVER EVER actually recommend putting multiple plants into one pot, due to many reasons i was forced to do this during the grow im doing... im not having any major problems by anymeans and im flowering some beautiful girls.... check out my journal below in my signature if you want to check them out...

but as was said if you can re pot you should.. be careful when seperating the roots.. be as GENTLE as possible.. i would water with a transplant shock inhibiter/root growth stimulator... this will help your plants jump back sooner and help them start growing their new roots quicker...

good luck
no illeffect when useing big pots. im getting ready to put 2 in one 19 gallon pot. :hump:


Active Member
If you've decided to separate them, then do it NOW, before the rooting system is too big and intersected. And be gentle :)