2 plants browning around veins, some leaves rolling toward stem, reptilian look


Two of my 5 wk old plants are browning around veins in the middle of leaves, some leaves rolling toward stem, and they both have a reptilian look and feel to them. The other 9 plants seem to be unaffected even though all 11 have received the same nutes, water, soil, & 400w MH light. I separated these two troublemakers to the other said of the cabin until I figure out what's happening. They are currently on their third week of 80*F/45 rH and the GH veg nute plan with r/o water.

Any ideas of where I should start? :?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated :hug:

I lovingly call this Jack Herer troublemaker Raptor

Literelly, curling back on itself



Thank you for the advice BUDS. The closest plant top is 18" from the light. It seems only the middle foliage is dying but the tips aren't turning brown, they are becoming lighter (kinda like jagged raptor teeth. lol) The whole plant has this hard, shiny look to it as if it has a thin exoskeleton covering the plant. Since this is my first grow, it is all new to me :)

Thanks for replying LDB :)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I see some really dark green leafs. Because of this I think they are getting plenty of Nitrogen, maybe even to much. What kind of grow medium are you useing? What PH and PPM are you feeding them and how often. Also, what is the PH inside the grow medium? If you do not have something to test this with, then take a sample of the water that runs out the bottom. get a good representitive sample.

I am thinking you might have your PH out of wack, and you have locked out one of the nutrients needed.

Hmmm, I just noticed something. You say you are useing R/O water. But I do not see where you are useing Cal/Mag to replace the needed trace minerals that were removed from the water.


Active Member
I think LDB is spot on here. Those brown leaf margins look like Mg def to me (though it could be K potassium def). If your ph is correct, your problem is the R/O water. To solve, use calmag if your ph is correct, if not, correct the ph. Peace W


Thanks LDB & Woody for responding. I have been adding 1 tsp GH cal-mag to every gallon of r/o water but stopped when I noticed their problem. I watered them with 32 oz of plain r/o water and the run off was about 4 - 4.5 for both. How would I increase the pH? I have liquid pH up but I didn't want to use it in case growers use something else to alter the pH in soil (i.e. line, etc).

Any suggestions? Thanks again :)


how do I measure it out. With water, I add ph up or down then test the pH before I water my plants. How much pH up to one gallon of water? I just bought a ph soil tester today as well.

Thanks dman

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
The amount of PH up and down really depends on the brand and how strong it is. I would start with like 2 drops per gallon. The brand I use is very strong, 5 drops per 5 gallons will change the ph from 4.8 to 5.8 usually. But another brand I have would take about 15+ drops. Just add a little of the ph adjuster at a time. And I mean a little bit. So count the drops. In other words use an eye droper.


Usually when I fed them, I add nutes (GH's general organic calmag+, bio-root, bio-thrive grow, & bio-weed), ph test, add ph up to raise ph to 6.5 - 7, then apply.

So I should just add calmag + and increase the ph to 5.8 then flush them?

Thank you again LDB


Well-Known Member
ph optimum levels in soil should be somewhere between 6.2-7.0 at least thats what i use.5.8 is a little low for soil. i think LDB was just using those numbers as an example.if your runoff is 4-4.5 then u want to flush with ph water till runoff is the same as whats going in, you obviously have a salt(leftover nutes) buildup in your soil,or that would be my guess.

posted at 4:20 cool!

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
If you are growing in soil, you want to shoot for a PH of about 6.5. But seeing as your Medium PH is so low I would boost the 6.5 to like 7.0.
If you are growing in Coco or running a hydro system you want to shoot for a ph of about 5.8, but with you so low I would raise that number also to about 6.3.

Do this until your medium or the run off is in the range needed. This will not happen in one day, it takes a little time. Be patient. Do not try and force it into a correct number, you might freak your plants out. The way I think of it is this. If you have your PH at 4.5 when it should be 6.5. Your plant is working hard to get the nutrients it needs but is being locked out. If you fed them lets say water at 8.5 PH and it made the medium 6.5 right there and then, your plant is try super hard to get those nutriwents that are locked out. Now you unlock it in one single moment and the plant takes a few HUGE gulps of those nutrients, Burning the liveing shit out of your plants. For this reason and a few others, this is why I am telling you to go slow at adjusting the ph of the medium.