Yea alright EH.. you dont know much. You havent been to B.C? Well sir i think that your wrong. Do you a rekon Your Fellow "Drug Dealers" Trade a cociane for Our Marijuwana. And then Your country gets a fine taste of Our Marijuana. I didnt know that you wernt aware that B.C means best chronic. And that its at a high demand through out north america. So i wouldnt talk shit you yankie hick cousin fucker. Come to Canada and talk shit. You couldnt even drink a canadian beer let alone smoke B.Cs weed

Your homies even rap about our weed. Ask snoop dogg homie g.. When i was in the states. I tried to get weed and it was 20 agram hahah for swagg. Buddy you pay 400bucks for an Oz of good shit. I pay 200 for an Oz Of bc kush. Come to BC and find out for your self. Anyone who has bin here could tell you. ANyone who knows anything about the industry would know.
Oh and your yellow piss hash has nothing on my dark gold butter.