2 oldest leaves look sick and are turning yellow

look like a deficience but im new to growing she sprouted 4-13-13, shes in black gold organic soil, i use 2 26 watt cfl's 6500 k,IMG_20130430_151634.jpgIMG_20130430_151652.jpgIMG_20130430_151733.jpgIMG_20130430_151842.jpgIMG_20130429_135221.jpgIMG_20130427_091958.jpg temps steady at 70-73, also her main stem under the dirst is turning yellowish-brown, dont yet know the ph of the water, but i use tap water that sits for 24 hours plus. introduced her to light nutes twice now, first time at 0.25 ml per cup second time 0.50 ml per cup. noticed small holes in 2 leaves so i used neem oil on her, just today used epsom salt dissolved in water, and feed her. just really wondering what's wrong? cheers :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Bottom two leaves of plants that age die and fall off. They will continue loose a few every now and then.

perdrick l. hapley

Active Member
i think what you're seeing is likely because of your soil mix. it can get compacted if there's not enough perlite/something besides just dirt in there. i would definitely not use any nutes this early in a cup that small. you should poke some holes in the bottom so it can have a chance of draining

as far as the stem getting brown at the bottom, as your plant gets bigger the bottom of the stem will become hard and woody. it can even kinda look like it's 'shedding' after a while. i can't really see if that's what's happening here but it's completely normal if it is.

edit: sweet wu-tang shirt btw