2 moms, which one to pick ?


Hi...i have 2 plants growing from seed and i am going to pick 1 as the mother of future generations.

They are both "Mako Haze" sativa cannabis cup winner 2006.

The problem is, they are growing sooooo differently that i can´t decide which one would make a better mom.

So i am asking for help and showing you pictures of them.

A - Germinated 1 day later, but after 1 week had grown highter than B. Color of blades is much lighter green then B.

B - Is kinda growing like a big bud, very compact and much darker green then A.

Both plants are in the same enviroment and have gotten exactly the same amount of watering/nutrition.

Any advice appreciated.



Well-Known Member
A looks to be bushier as well as taller. I noticed in your post that you hadn't mentioned that you have confirmed sex, I would def confirm before making my decision.

My .02
