2 Medical Patients Growing Together


You are a lucky man for having your woman as a grow partner, that's awesome. Stick with her, just don't have any kids or she'll freak and you can kiss your growing goodbye and probably smoking too. If my girl was that cool, I would be living the high life somewhere in El dorado, Humboldt, Sonoma, Shasta, or Mendo, instead we live in bum-fuck San Joaquin. I hate this county. It's full of tweakers, grimy scumbags, and the unemployed/state supported.


Well-Known Member
something else to add in California it is safest to also get the state issued card in addition your doctors rec... only because there are many cases of recs being torn by cops or whatever but when you present a state card if they question it is the same as questioning your drivers license! if you need more info msg me and i can find some links for ya and post them here or explain better.