2 lower branches covered in mold.


Well-Known Member
Welp I looked my plants over VERY well this morning. Found 2 of the lowest branches COVERED IN MOLD! they were growing along the ground so this is no surprise. I chopped the off, washed my hands. I hope I didnt spread the pores -=/. The rest of my plant looks A OKAY tho. The bottom branches had white mold on the leaves. Brown mold on the buds, my guess bud rot from growing along the ground? How long they were like this is beyond me but their gone now! Should I harvest the rest of my plant?


Well-Known Member
How often to you get to see your plants? If you have a secluded grow I may be more tempted to harvest before the problem gets potentially worse. If you can visit often, then i would monitor progress and hold off on the harvest as long as possible.


Well-Known Member
Does not matter if you washed your hands or not...the mold spores are pretty much everywhere already and just waiting for the right conditions to start growing.

Like RD said, if you are able to easily monitor the progress (i.e. check everyday or every other day), than keep an eye on it. If you can't get out there that often harvest now and make hash. Once mold gains a foothold, it does not take long to lose an entire plant.
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Well-Known Member
Does not matter if you washed your hands or not...the mold spores are pretty much everywhere already and just waiting for the right conditions to start growing.

Like RD said, if you are able to easily monitor the progress (i.e. check everyday or every other day), than keep an eye on it. If you can't get out there that often harvest now and make hash. Once mold gains a foothold, it does not take long to lose an entire plant.

Even if the two infected branches were on the very bottom of the plant by the stalk running along the ground?


Well-Known Member
I can monitor them everyday but I know Northern Lights is BAD for mold. Should I just cut today and harvest a few weeks early? Will by buds be any good?


Well-Known Member
I agree, I lost a whole plant in my greenhouse last year, was devestating, should have just harvested it. Ended up with about 1/4 oz.

I would chop of the mould bit, then the next day it had just spread....the conditions where ripe for it though.
Does not matter if you washed your hands or not...the mold spores are pretty much everywhere already and just waiting for the right conditions to start growing.

Like RD said, if you are able to easily monitor the progress (i.e. check everyday or every other day), than keep an eye on it. If you can't get out there that often harvest now and make hash. Once mold gains a foothold, it does not take long to lose an entire plant.


Well-Known Member
I agree, I lost a whole plant in my greenhouse last year, was devestating, should have just harvested it. Ended up with about 1/4 oz.

I would chop of the mould bit, then the next day it had just spread....the conditions where ripe for it though.

Okay, its getting the chop chop...I hate to do it but I'll get a good amount it may be a bit premature, heres some pics.


pot grower

Active Member
Ohh you shouldn't have done that. Those buds are super premature. You should have waited to see if the mold spreads and then chop.


Well-Known Member
those are way to early to cut down,just keep an eye on it,those plants look healthy to me...i wouldn't even consider cutting those yet..


Well-Known Member
Even if the two infected branches were on the very bottom of the plant by the stalk running along the ground?

Mold spores are everywhere, in the air/soil/surrounding vegetation. They just need the right combination of environmental factors to germinate and wreak havoc.

I had a guerilla grow this year, 4 plants each 6-9 feet tall and beautiful prior to Irene and the rain the east coast is getting. Went out one day and found mold on lower branches. Cut out the affected parts and checked carefully for other spots on the plant. Didnt see any. Came back 3 days later and there was mold all over. Everything came down that day and will be made into hash.


Well-Known Member
Mold spores are everywhere, in the air/soil/surrounding vegetation. They just need the right combination of environmental factors to germinate and wreak havoc.

I had a guerilla grow this year, 4 plants each 6-9 feet tall and beautiful prior to Irene and the rain the east coast is getting. Went out one day and found mold on lower branches. Cut out the affected parts and checked carefully for other spots on the plant. Didnt see any. Came back 3 days later and there was mold all over. Everything came down that day and will be made into hash.
SOOOOO I should chop em down?


Well-Known Member
that's your call,if i could watch them daily i would wait and see if it spreads..your yield will be a big let down if you cut them now...


Well-Known Member
I just inspected them further. I have what looks like bird shit on the tops of one of the upper bud leaves. It dont look like bird shit tho, But its white like mold........FUCK!!!!!!


Active Member
the mold spores are pretty much everywhere already and just waiting for
the right conditions to start growing.
And the right conditions for mold involve ph levels. To make your plant the wrong condition, mix baking soda in water and spray them. This raises the ph of the plant and makes for the wrong conditions for mold.

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
Still several weeks away from harvest. I would wait and risk the potential for mold later on. Conditions may improve in the near future. Watch for humidity levels to drop. If they get afternoon showers/rain, try to shake off as much mositure as possible before nightfall. Looks as if you have the abilityin that location to put a oscillating fan or 2 on them as well. Air-circulation is hugely inportant at this stage.


Well-Known Member
I would cut the affected areas off, and then go to the store and buy a gallon or so of buttermilk. Buttermilk contains anti fungal properties and will help to kill any mold that is growing that you can't see. I would spray it once every couple weeks all over the plants, and make sure to have good air circulation so that it completely dries up rather quickly.


Active Member
Expected yield?
Not a lot but nice looking plant. I would watch and wait. It is still hot out where you are? I say this because I know another grower that got powder mold very bad on a thick kush a few weeks ago. that plant had poooor air circulation bunched up with a bunch of others (diff strain). It has not spread this last few weeks to any of the other 20 or so plants near it. Probably cause its been hot and dry out. Not sure your location, but if the conditions change, then it might jump back and then worry. Until then that purdy plant of yours just might finish better that you realize. Water in the morning.


Well-Known Member
I found other signs of mold/leave spot disease. I hate to do this but it has to be chopped. Next year I will do autos I guess -=/
Welp I looked my plants over VERY well this morning. Found 2 of the lowest branches COVERED IN MOLD! they were growing along the ground so this is no surprise. I chopped the off, washed my hands. I hope I didnt spread the pores -=/. The rest of my plant looks A OKAY tho. The bottom branches had white mold on the leaves. Brown mold on the buds, my guess bud rot from growing along the ground? How long they were like this is beyond me but their gone now! Should I harvest the rest of my plant?
I had an auto flower do the same thing. The mold was under the top and working it's way down. It was in the back of a greenhouse, too crowded and humid, I suspect. I moved it outside. I sprayed with anti fungal and it arrested it, but the moldy parts dried and died, yet the rest of the plant continued to flower and mature. I cut away all the moldy branches, (didn't want it to infect the others) but the branches that were unaffected yielded a decent smoke. Not a big bud though. I'd never heard of an AUTOFLOWER before this. I checked these plants daily, and that mold showed up within a day and spread fast.