my girl is n her second week of flower nothin to extreme ive LSt'D some branches so other branches will get light.. yu think they will be ok? any info wood be mucho appreciated

Sure, you can bend branches outward along the rim of your pot. Just be sure to be gentle--not to bend too far so as to break branches. After doing this bending process you can, a few days later, bend them more until you get the desired effect. Just try not to overdo it by bending too far and injuring the plant.
What I use are medium size binder clips that you can get at Staples. You clip these along the edge of your pot. Then, I use twist ties that you can get at Lowes or any garden shop. You tie a loop on the branch you want to pull down leaving plenty of room around the stem so it does not cut off circulation, and then pull the twist tie under the binder clip and pull it until it gets lightly taut. A few days later, I will check the tautness and tighten it more if it can safely be done.
I'm about 2 weeks from flower and have been trying to figure a way to do this..... I'll let you know how it works outThanks. It does work great and makes adjustments super easy.
I say go for it. Just dont break the stems. These are weeds, and have taken my noob abuse for months!