2 Hits, 2 Years


So I decided to experiment with acid, tried it twice the first time dropped a random tab felt nothing at all, second time dropped 2 and had minor visuals, so i concluded it was either bogus or very week. A little disappointed I started looking for better connects but got nowhere. One day I'm playing hacky sack with a few friends and one of them, Klark says "by the way guys i just got some killer family acid and bought a few extra if your interested." They had a design on the tabs and I thought it had to be legit so I bought two. I called a couple friends to see if anyone was down to trip with me, everyone was busy and I was going on vacation soon and I could not pass up the opportunity. My genius self thought it would be ok after the third time ever tripping to drop both alone in my room.

I ate both at about 11pm, and started playing some video games on my computer and took a couple hits from a bowl. About half a hour later my character starts trialing and the background of the game starts shifting, I was so excited and thought "if I am feeling like this only 30 minutes in this is going to be awesome!" About 3 hours later I was to spacy to focus on the game so I decided to watch a movie, I love comedies so I put on the first Harold and Kumar. Everything was pretty mellow and was going good with minor visuals, however when I was up to the part when they are riding the tiger I started to peak. The movie started to bleed off the TV screen, and thats when I lost it I started to flip out! I trying shaking my head to knock myself out of it and kept telling myself "this is a drug your fine, you paid money to do this to yourself just enjoy it" but there was no shaking it. I looked away from the TV and the movie followed me, like the entire screen when I looked at the ceiling it was as if the TV moved with my vision but I only saw the movie like it was being projected from my eyes.

The worst of it came when time went into to slow motion, everything was slowed down except for my mind. The movie was going at what seemed like 2 frames a second and the audio was all whiny and low pitch (think charlie brown's teacher) like a slow mo effect, I couldn't understand a word. I started freaking out thinking I'm dying why else would my mind still be racing and everything slowed down, "I'm dying, no I can't die snap out of it!" All i could think of is what my family would do when they found out, and how everyone would be disappointed. I was lost in this thought process for what seemed like aeon's but was probably only 20 minutes or so. I jumped out of bed turned the movie off, and started looking for people to call just to talk and have a sense of reality but no one answered. All of a sudden I heard footsteps coming up the stairs to my room and the adrenaline kinda put my trip on a halt and all I thought of was my room smells like weed and need to fix that. I grabbed a can of febrezze and used what seemed like half the can, and sat there waiting for about 10 minutes before realizing no one was there. A sigh of re-lief was short lived by my trip hitting me like a train and I started gasping for my breath like I got the wind knocked out of me. Then I started to think "what if the febrezze replaced all the oxygen in my room and I can't breath, I have to get air!" I opened my window a crack because its broken and shoved my nose as far through the crack as I could and started taking deep long breaths. My phone rings, a friend of mine Tiff calls me back,
Me "Hello?"
Tiff "Hey, you called?"
Me "No... I didn't you called me"
Tiff " Are you ok? You sound out of it"
Me - said nothing for a good minute then hung up

After the phone call I sat there motionless and thoughtless like everything just ceased to exist. I look up and my walls started blurring into shapes and patterns, and formed into red words which then starting running like paint and looked like bloody words dripping from all over my room and ceiling. I try shaking myself out of it, and all of a sudden catch a glimpse of a poster in my room. The poster of the original Fable game for xbox I stare at it and clam down as I watch this hero start slaying the boss the whole battle happened in the blink of an eye but i swear I saw the hero swinging his sword and the boss blocking then it was still. Its now about 7am and I coming off my peak and decided to watch across the universe (best idea all night) I never understood something so clearly like the movie. It wasn't just a movie I felt I was understanding the beatles, life, and everything it was the most satisfying feeling in my life still to this day. No matter how hard I try to explain it I can't, it was as if I was thinking, learning, and understanding in my mind without the use of words, like a transfer of consciousness. I finally fell asleep at 10am, and when I woke I never felt the same, it was like a severe case of dissociative identity disorder I felt as though I was not myself anymore like there was now something else the replaced me and I had a confused grasp on reality. I was depressed, had extreme anxiety, and isolated myself this lasted for nearly 2 years.

This all happened about 3 years ago now, and have never really been able to talk about it with fear, terror, anxiety or something getting the best of me. I feel back to myself now and have gotten over it through time, I have not touched lucy since but have done shrooms with two great trips and one disaster. Ever since my bad acid and shroom trip I have become hyper sensitive to weed, and two hits makes me feel as though I'm trippin. I am slowly building a tolerance back to weed and can enjoy it, and finally have been able to reflect on the experience. Surprisingly enough, I am super excited to trip again. I feel I am more mature (going on 22 now) and am in a much better state of mind, I was never sober, being sober was boring to me so lucy made me realize there is nothing like your sanity and appreciation of sobriety, i felt crazy for 2 years. The funny thing is though I have never been able to get ride of the NEED to go back to the place of knowledge i was in at the end of that trip.


Well-Known Member
It's not life changing for no reason.

I know exactly what you mean when you say the "need to go back to the place of knowledge"

Been there a few times myself :)


defiantly life changing, at first I thought for the worse but reflecting upon the whole experience now it was something I needed. I want to trip again soooo bad lol, acid is hard to come by but I did some digging and might have 2 connects, hopefully one falls through =D


Active Member
One bad isn't worth 10 good. 12 maybe.

I haven't touched it in over 15 years. Shrooms yes, LSD NO WAY.
I love Lucy! i'm sorry you had this experience brotha. I have had over 25 trips and have done over 150 hits of acid, not including mushrooms and DMT. there's alot to be learned from these substances but they can be very devilish. I wish you the best in your future trips, if any haha