2 Grow tent's Veg led flower hps

Detroit J420

Well-Known Member
Just opened my rollup name n stuff tryen to network here..

I got a smaller tent for veg where i got a 6in. oscilating fan with 2 rasberry cough's 2 master kush and 2 ak48s under a ufo, wich is damn good enough for veg. in my opinion. In my flower tent i can' open it yet and take pictures cause light's out right now but i got the same strains with a 12 inch oscilating fan and a 600 hps 6 plants huge ass tent but i will update pix tonite there Huge and only 2 weeks flower. Im in the Detroit area im a patient i got crazy ass Zoo UVB light's couple ufo's for veg. Im a fanatic always tryen different spectrums bulbs you name it Hit me uP^

