$2 f-series strips

Could this be a cheap alternative? 5 bucks each.
At how manny wats do i need to drive this strip?

How many strips are you looking to buy? If you were able to order the strips in sets of 20, you could get the gen3 bridgelux for right around that same $5 a piece and they are a bit more efficient. Plus you could spend just a few dollars more and get the gen3 strips in 90cri option as well which will give you a bit more reds in your spectrum. Future electronics is the best place to source bridgelux strips in my opinion, just have to order in larger quantities.

Here's a link to the gen3 3500k 80cri strips, just the newer/more efficient version of what you posted above.

I have no experience yet using bridgelux strips, but have purchased some that are just waiting to be put to use.