2' deep x 4' wide x 4 foot high closet

I only plan on growing 2 plants. 1 Super Lemon Haze and another bag seed. How many CFL lights will I need for this? I know there is tons of tutorials but I'm tired and I know there are people that can tell me in half a sentence. :D

I NEVER have any visitors, so I'm not necessarily worried about anybody stepping into my house and smelling it. Can I just leave the closet door open for a few hours a day instead of putting in a ventilation system? I figure the CO2 from my breath will benefit the plants and the Oxygen they put off will help me.

I have access to rabbit manure so planning on doing this organic in 3 or 4 gallon buckets.

I might end up using one of the plants as a mother for clones when outdoor planting is viable. I live in a place that is dark and rainy all summer. Outdoor planing won't be available until the first week of May.

Ideas, suggestions? First grow, so any input will be nice.




I can't give that great of advice aside from you want a HPS light either 250/400 watts you're going to need to cover the room with some mylar. If you can ensure that there is air going out & fresh air coming in then you should have good air. Sorry I couldn't be of more help about the air flow situation I have a 6 inch in line set up for my grow tent and my room stays between 80-86 F with 35-45% humidity.
I'm going to use thick white paper to cover the inside. I know I can work something out with ventilation. Not too worried about that.

I have a bunch of CFL's, and want to use those. I don't want to go and buy a HPS light.

So, (bump) how many CFL's will I need for this setup?


Active Member
I would go at least a 100 watt per plant...at least. Keep em short or if they get too tall side light em. Go ahead sounds good 2 plants should do grate in there.


Well-Known Member
fyi, a 400w hps would be perfect for your situation. an entire kit could be found for under $100 and your first yield will more than likely pay for that difference. However, if you're going to use cfl, I'd recommend at least a 125w per plant. And as mentioned, side lighting is a good idea. Just pick up a couple socket splitters and stick 2-23w cfl's on each side (totally 8 bulbs, 184w) Between all of that youll be slightly above 400w. That's what you want, 50w/sq ft. 400w/8ft=50. 2 of those 125w bulbs may run you the same as a 400w hps anyway though.