2 carbon filters and it still stinks!


So my setup is two grow tents in a closet, one veg one flower, with cool tubes in each, each sucking through a carbon filter at low speed. I have about 8 girls in the closet and somehow the whole upstairs still stinks (though not as bad). I have all the clamps on the ducting on tight, so I have no idea what the problem may be. Any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
So my setup is two grow tents in a closet, one veg one flower, with cool tubes in each, each sucking through a carbon filter at low speed. I have about 8 girls in the closet and somehow the whole upstairs still stinks (though not as bad). I have all the clamps on the ducting on tight, so I have no idea what the problem may be. Any suggestions?
Sounds like a leak....how do you have your vent set up????? FILTER----->DUCTING------>LIGHT------->DUCTING---->FAN------->OUTSIDE OF TENTS?????

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
might help turning your fan speed up and moving the stinky air out faster, assuming everything is set up properly?



Thanks for the tips, i will wrap the seems in duct tape. Heres an awful diagram of my setup (Paint and laptop finger mouse = fail). it goes Filterx2-> lightx2->Yconnector -> inline -> Blown into next room


Well-Known Member
I run 1 char can on a tent grow....I'll get a little odor if my intake isn't matched with exhaust......


Well-Known Member
View attachment 1368901

Thanks for the tips, i will wrap the seems in duct tape. Heres an awful diagram of my setup (Paint and laptop finger mouse = fail). it goes Filterx2-> lightx2->Yconnector -> inline -> Blown into next room
You dont need 2 filters or 2 fans...................check it out ,like this....... lights------->duct------>outside of tent------>Y-------->fan------>filter....... this way is exactly how you have it already.....the only difference is you take the filters off put 1 on the end where the fan is blowing the dirty air out and problem solved.....no chances of leaks this way....and you have an extra filter for the future.....
i remember talking to someone that some cans are ment to have air drawn through them, and some have it pushed through. could this be the case.

Actually more air transfer if better, keeps smell duluted more

if you really want to run 2 can


can duct lights fan duct filter

The Knuck

Active Member
You have a Y where one leg is twice as long as the other, most of the fans vaccum is going to the shortest leg, with very little to the long leg, is the long leg in your flower room?


Well-Known Member
try turning it on medium. the word on the street is low setting isnt enough moved air for flowering.


Active Member
charcoal filter!! my step brother dose 400 plants with one big charcoal filter and you cant smell a fricking thing!!


So I duct taped the clamps and anywhere I thought a leak may be, and turned up the fan speed and opened up the space a little to allow more airflow into the closet. So far the smell seems to be diminishing. Knuck, yes, the long ducting is the flowering room, the short one is the veg tent. I figured it may not be the most efficient setup, but as long as the air is being pulled through one of the filters, the smell should be scrubbed, right?


Well-Known Member
i remember talking to someone that some cans are ment to have air drawn through them, and some have it pushed through. could this be the case.

Actually more air transfer if better, keeps smell duluted more

if you really want to run 2 can


can duct lights fan duct filter
They can be used both ways.....and of course he can run 2 but why if 1 works......

......Erockoholic....did you even try like I suggested???I guarantee it works.....I have 2 4x4 tents I use for veg and 1 12x10 flowering room with 3 hid lights.....I use only 1 fan 1 filter hooked up the way I suggested and I have no smell.......I use 2 Ys to be able to suck the air from 3 areas and my filter is not the huge one it's the small size.....


I think I found the problem. The room I vent to (rather air tight) did not have a window open in it. Some bad air must have been escaping due to the backed up preassure. That may explain why it stunk around the door to the closet and not in the room. Thoughts?