2-300 $ dollar systems? Which one wud yu take?


Well-Known Member
Dont worry fellow diy fans! Id never think of buying one, lol, but which of the 200 to 300 dollar systems out there on eby wud yu take. The ebb and flow's? the waterfarms? od the rainforests? and which one and why? I would love to hear any owners str and weeknessess and what othr thought their are. I am in the middle of diying an aeroponic chamber, but just ran into an extra 300 dolllar, so i kinda on the market but i doubt it. seems like i can build one ludicrously cheaper, but then maybe not! Yu tell me. As it is because of the beauty of the designs i might just go and buy one stoned so i hope its not the wrong one!:leaf:

gr33n thumb

Well-Known Member
i like the flood/drain systems also. im currently using DWC setup, but if i would have looked into the the trays for the flood/drain system, definaty would go with that.


Well-Known Member
thats what i looking at. except the rainforest looks cool. so does the turbogarden or the one bigger, thse are ebbs. really i think ill buy the ebb tray system with the redervoir underneath so i got more versatility with pots. Any comments.. i going 3x3 for 400.


Well-Known Member
ebb n flo fo sho... more versatility, easy to clean, minimal hoseage or accessories needed.

water pump
1ft of tubing
medium of choice


Well-Known Member
i have an aeroponic ystem already built but some play around cash. think i hud scrub the aero and go for the ebb. i got the pump already and timers. I fig buy a tray and the rest small diy. I a lunatek when it come to the hydro ection in the ebay catalog


Well-Known Member
if you want to do it cheap, you could build a dwc sytem with 5 gal buckets and grow BIG plants. I guess i'm biased towards dwc, but i think it's the simplest to use and easiest to fix. But that's just my opinion i guess. everyone has their own on what is best. you could always try dwc at first and if you succeed, move onto something more complicated, like aero, but no sense in spending an a$$load of money right off the bat. Save the money and buy a good HPS light. The light is what makes the difference more than the sytem itself. The bigger the light, the bigger and tighter the nugs, and definately the faster it grows. Peace


Well-Known Member
lol, i got dwc sytems i make in 10 minor less crwaling outamy ears, i just want something i know for sure will give the best yeild.. But i just found out about ballast degredation and well i got a refurbished magnetice ballast off ebay for 100 dollars and i wondering if my light is crap:( it seems ok sorta, my grow is retarde but i thought that was my fault. i beet up the ladies with nubness pretty bad, and pollinated my big girl.. The clones look ok but the big girl is almost budless and 8 weeks into flower, she has bud sited with formation and seeds are popping off but i not sure if she is stunted due to ineptness at the start of gorw or maybe my damend 400 is crappy. i might buy a 600 or 400 digital ballast. i cant ket elctricity go up 2 much so maybe 400 but i want good gorwth. i mean with a 400 mag i read it is 530 watts to run anyway! so i alkl jazzed about lighjt. I might get a new light and and a super vent system as i live in hot place with no air! errr. i might just drill out a 100 liter reservoir for dwc and put say 12 pots in, 3 inchs in tire mucl medium. ill use a 370 gph pump i got in mail today to fill and drain instad of aero setup. wanna conserve electricity as much for light. hell maybe soil, nah! hehe, i made an experimental ebb and flo pot with rw floc as medium and hand waterd it and it was a hit! ANYONE EVER THINK OF JUST HANDWATERING RW EBB pot once a day for ebb and flo results? of course u gotta be home and for 10 dollars more u got ebb table. seriously u realy can build an ebb system for cheapo. even drain fittings can be just pvc pipe! i getting excited as i type for a 600 light!


Well-Known Member
lol, i got dwc sytems i make in 10 minor less crwaling outamy ears, i just want something i know for sure will give the best yeild.. But i just found out about ballast degredation and well i got a refurbished magnetice ballast off ebay for 100 dollars and i wondering if my light is crap:( it seems ok sorta, my grow is retarde but i thought that was my fault. i beet up the ladies with nubness pretty bad, and pollinated my big girl.. The clones look ok but the big girl is almost budless and 8 weeks into flower, she has bud sited with formation and seeds are popping off but i not sure if she is stunted due to ineptness at the start of gorw or maybe my damend 400 is crappy. i might buy a 600 or 400 digital ballast. i cant ket elctricity go up 2 much so maybe 400 but i want good gorwth. i mean with a 400 mag i read it is 530 watts to run anyway! so i alkl jazzed about lighjt. I might get a new light and and a super vent system as i live in hot place with no air! errr. i might just drill out a 100 liter reservoir for dwc and put say 12 pots in, 3 inchs in tire mucl medium. ill use a 370 gph pump i got in mail today to fill and drain instad of aero setup. wanna conserve electricity as much for light. hell maybe soil, nah! hehe, i made an experimental ebb and flo pot with rw floc as medium and hand waterd it and it was a hit! ANYONE EVER THINK OF JUST HANDWATERING RW EBB pot once a day for ebb and flo results? of course u gotta be home and for 10 dollars more u got ebb table. seriously u realy can build an ebb system for cheapo. even drain fittings can be just pvc pipe! i getting excited as i type for a 600 light!
you'll love that 600 watter, that's what i got. :bigjoint: i got the digital ballast as well. go with the digital one because it will not wear out like the magnetic ones, and the lights don't degrade as fast either because it's much easier on them to light up. i've had both and digital is by far the best. buy from high tech garden, that's where i go. and to me it doesn't sound like an aero system would necessarily help you all that much. just concentrate on fixing your problem with dwc. trust me, aero will not make any better buds than dwc. the light rules the roose.
And P.S. Just in case you didn't know, digital ballasts can light both MH and HPS without the need for conversion bulbs. It automatically recognizes what bulb is in there.


Well-Known Member
yeah i think you right, i just concerned bout power usage. last monsth under 12 ans 12 i saved money on my bill. this month the bill went up 20 dollars. ??? i clueless i even have cut back more like it's a game. so i in a marijauna grower gonna die area, i gotta be careful!


Well-Known Member
yeah i think you right, i just concerned bout power usage. last monsth under 12 ans 12 i saved money on my bill. this month the bill went up 20 dollars. ??? i clueless i even have cut back more like it's a game. so i in a marijauna grower gonna die area, i gotta be careful!
$20??????????? If that's all you're concerned about, your in good shape. If the bill started fluctuating $600-$700, then I'd be concerned. But its normal for a bill to fluctuate throughout the year. Even if I'm not growing, it fluctuates at least $20-$50 per month. And in the winter, it goes up at least $200. No worries man.


Well-Known Member
dude electric companies want your money.. they want a high bill, they dont give two fux about anything else.. i run 4x 600w ballasts in a 2 bedroom apt and my bill is up to 450 a month... dont stress lol


Well-Known Member
your shitting me right? damn, tell me that true. i live in a weed unfreindly area! gorw houes all the time being watched 4. but if i got some leeway i going 600 and veg with my 400. lol. that would make my day. hey would yu buy from craigslist? u know hydro supplies, paranoi thread i guess, i jst wanna make sure, i the kinda dumnbass that will just do it and fuck off precaution! trying to curtail the dumbass factor!


Well-Known Member
shit then i gonna go aero, i was so careful i was gonna go ebb instead so i wud not have to run the pumps all the time! save money.