2 1000 watt hps/1 400watt hps/1 400wattMH


i have 2400 watts of hps run behind digital ballasts for flower aand also a 400watt MH to throw in for blue spectrum so really 2800 watts of pure light WHAT do yo think im capable of yielding GENERAL IDEA i have a 10x12 bedroom..YES WE ALL KNOW ALL STRAINS YIELD differently so im asking for a general idea of what people have expiernce w a similar setup n what they produce ONE LUV happy holidday season


Seriously though there is a million ways to grow and a million ways to set up that room. You can sog, scrog, grow normal, lst, what ever. Pros say in a good sog grow you can get up to a lb per 1000 watt in perfect conditions but that's still not a good figure to go off. The more you grow the more you will yield because you learn shit. You can have all those fancy lights and not yeild anything because you end up killing ur plants. You can stunt growth. Litterally a million variables.