2 1/2 week old, yellowing on one leaf? holes in another? pleeease helpp! PICS.


Well-Known Member
The plant looks healthy for 2 1/2 weeks. The yellowing may be caused by nitrogen burn but it's hard to tell without more info. What type of soil do you use? Have you fed it any nutrients? You might want to consider topping it to allow the lower branches and new growth to take over.


I use 125w CFL blue and red spectrum, i got a 1.5 gallon pot for a guess. i feed when dry 3 inches down, been giving it MG Plant feeder, its this blue powder. & just £1.50 tomato compost from the co-op?


Well-Known Member
the burn doesn't look like Nitrogen deficiency, Phosphorous burn maybe but its defiantly overnuted a bit .. as for the holes could be bugs, could be hitting or scraping it off of something when you move it... i'd look at your leaves.. underneath too... look in your soil see if you see anything moving.. .. one way to prevent bugs is to water your plant with water that is treated with Mosquito dunks for like 3-4 waters.. it kills larvae in the soil if there is any(also baking works too)

overall it looks healthy but i'd stop using the MG or use half of what you are using now. alot of times you need to build up to a fill dose

also pics are kinda hard to see.. they are cloudy and yeah we need more info


cant see any bugs at all, i get a fly sometimes.. would that eat it? and has all this stunned the growth of the plant?


Well-Known Member
like a house fly? no that wouldn't do anything.. however if its thrips... adult ones sort of look like large gnats

its hard to see bugs on the leafs they are small and sometimes you won't know you have them until there are tons and tons of them. when you water... look in the soil.. see if there are bugs flying out becuase of the water, look under your leaves, you prob don't have them sometimes the leafs rip and tear from various things


Active Member
Mine are no where near that size and they're 2 weeks old. They're barley growing their 3rd pair of leaves. :(
I believe his are clones, Not seedlings.
I have 10 seedlings 2 days over 2 weeks old & mine are not a developed as his. Tho, I am on my 3-4th set of leaves.