1x147w LED Grow Journal


Hi all.

This thread will follow a grow using one 147w Chinese made LED light. Im just going to post Images every now and then of the progress of 3 cannabis plants as they flourish (or fail) :o underneath this light.

The Setup: 3x Plants in Soil, nothing special here. 1x LED Light shown here:$(KGrHqF,!jUE65jdWOSEBO7ruiP,Sg~~60_12.JPG4.JPG2.JPG I just have seedlings atm so will update in a week or so when they're more substantial in size. Feel free to say what you will.


Well-Known Member
Well good luck.......I think you will have issues running THREE(non auto's??) plants under that ufo.......:)

be safe and happy growing


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see what happens! What do you expect to get from this grow conman, if you don't mind me asking? Are you LSTing them? 3 is pushing it IMHO. Especially when you go to flower them. Good Luck and Happy Growing.
Im starting a grow using a similar UFO, and I'm going for 4 plants in DWC system. You think i should shoot for 2 plants instead? Its my first grow


Active Member
I think I read here somewhere that you need at the very least 100 true watts per plant for flowering and that is minimum.. So I would expect very small fluffy buds with just one LED and nothing else.


Im starting a grow using a similar UFO, and I'm going for 4 plants in DWC system. You think i should shoot for 2 plants instead? Its my first grow

It all depends on wattage really, if you got a 147w like mine then 3 plants is the limit I reckon. If your going to do more than one plant i'd definitely do 3 instead of 2, the reason for this is you can arrange 3 plants in a triangle under a ufo and you'll get the same amount of light per plant as if you only had 2 plants underneath 1 ufo


I think I read here somewhere that you need at the very least 100 true watts per plant for flowering and that is minimum.. So I would expect very small fluffy buds with just one LED and nothing else.
Proof will be in the pudding i guess, im just aiming to get the same result as what a 400w hps would provide. Might be too optimistic but we'll see.


Can't wait to see what happens! What do you expect to get from this grow conman, if you don't mind me asking? Are you LSTing them? 3 is pushing it IMHO. Especially when you go to flower them. Good Luck and Happy Growing.
Yeah me too! I don't know what to expect at all really, im new to LED lights so im really just doing this for fun, not expecting anything profound to happen. Yeah i understand 3 plant is pushing it a bit, but im gonna do a short veg period 2-3 weeks, this should keep them small enough so the light isn't overwhelmed. Ill try supercropping them too so each plant has 2 heads instead of one. Thanks for the input.


Well-Known Member

It all depends on wattage really, if you got a 147w like mine then 3 plants is the limit I reckon. If your going to do more than one plant i'd definitely do 3 instead of 2, the reason for this is you can arrange 3 plants in a triangle under a ufo and you'll get the same amount of light per plant as if you only had 2 plants underneath 1 ufo
I wish you all the best luck in your grow, but expecting 400watt hps results with a 147 watt led is not realistic IMO. You might get 250 hps results if you do a very good job. I would not veg too long either.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. You want to watch that ^^^^, because some (esp less-reputable manufacturers) will only state the maximum potential wattage ratings, but actually will run your LEDs at below 3W each, giving you fewer real watts of power. It does mean your panel should last longer, but it means you're not giving as much light as you might think.

Even if your panel is actually drawing 147W of electricity you're definitely only on the edge of having enough light based on what I've seen in my "research"! Check out my grow if you want a quick comparison.

I'm running 3 small plants with 170W (actual power drawn) of LED plus about the same again of CFL. Right now I'm thinking that another 85W of LED would probably help my grow, so you might feel the same about yours when you start to flower...


Well-Known Member
i would be willing to bet thats a 50 watt ufo .. 50x1watt diodes..not 3 watt per like it was advertised. i might be wrong but i know people have had this problem in the past