1st week white widow pictures


Well-Known Member
Well she grew 1" today that my biggest jump in height the entire grow. Molasses was the only thing different i did during watering yesterday


Well-Known Member
your plant is looking great! n i love me some white widow ;0 and yes molasses does wonders i used for my flowering process also but make sure you are using unsulphured or blackstrapp for that is the best and has the most sugar content ;) gl with the rest of your grow and cant wait to see the harvest... i just harvested my first plant last night! so rewarding -_-


Well-Known Member
I am using unsulphered, but I just got lucky there because I didn't know that before. She grew another inch yesterday I never would have thought I'd be maing ginger bread cookies in a pot with soil.lol I'll post some new pics tommorrow.


Well-Known Member
yeah it is normal as long as u are pretty far along ;) the buds will use all the nutrients in the leaves to help them grow big n tastey -_- if you seem some turning yellow up top though then you might have to worry but it is perfectly normal for the plant to loose some leafs :mrgreen:bongsmilie


New Member
aahhhhh I cant wait till my little Sophia grows up into a nice little plant for me to google at when im high =D


Yo, nice WW you've got there. Just so we all know, you mentioned you made a couple of mistakes throughout the growing process. What were those mistakes?