1st topping attempt


Well-Known Member
Your topping looks about right, you're going to have 2 main colas

if you were looking to have 4 or 6 or 8 main colas, FIMming is the way to go

Brick Top

New Member
Maybe you covered my questions and I failed to connect the dots but I guess my questions would be how many full nodes did you grow to before cutting back to where you cut and the second question is because of my old eyes I guess I really could not count the number of nodes left after topping by looking at your pictures, but is it two full nodes and then roughly about a quarter inch above the node is where you made your cut?

If you vegged to 5 or 6 nodes and then topped just above the second node then by having read or heard or by chance or by accident you pretty much duplicated Uncle Ben’s topping technique. That is basically it, crammed into a nutshell so small it could pass for a ‘bean,’ but that is more or less it minus the technical jargon and a bit of preciseness.

The pictures are easily clear enough to show two main leaders beginning to take off but either because the pictures were taken to soon, or possibly camera angle or direction of shot or even lighting might have been enough, alone or combined, to not show that there were two more lower main leaders. The top/upper ones will always be spotted first, be more prominent. Sometimes the others will never catch up, but they will still be there, just a tiny bit lower/shorter and maybe a tad bit less in production.

It is impossible to tell from the pictures exactly what your case may be. The most accurate anyone could be would to say that you now have two where you once had one but you might end up with one or two more per plant. After that regardless of what anyone might think or claim, at this point and relying only on those pictures, trying to be any more precise than what I said would be factoring in pure guesswork into the given answer.

If by chance you did what I described above, which I hope you did, and I hope you then have the same sort of luck with it as I have since Uncle Ben clued me in. I do not always top, for various and varying reasons, but when I do top, and do it that way, most of the time I end up with four main leaders replacing the one that I cut. Second most common, and in my experience not all that close to the most common, is to have three main leaders replacing the one that was cut.

In the title name to his thread that is a sticky is says something like how to get 2 to 4 colas. He was playing it safe by saying 2 to 4. Two is of course always possible, I have had it happen. But in my experience most plants will push out 4 main leaders and then next would be with 3 main leaders and now and then there will only be 2 main leaders. The way it has worked for me is if done right, only ending up with 2 main leaders is such a rarity that it could safely almost have been eliminated from the thread title and gone with 3 to 4 colas instead and not taken much of a risk of looking all that inaccurate or like he was bragging about what his technique would do if used/followed.

If by chance that is what you did, well then you might be in like Flynn with four main leaders/colas per plant. If you did it much different or the number of nodes remaining below the cut is less, expect two main leaders per plant and if you want more you will have to nip again.

In the future if topping follow the yellow brick road, as in do what Uncle Ben suggests be done. It is reliable/consistent and simple to do and gives good to great results. If there is a way that consistently beats it through simple topping I have never run across it, though if one exists I would of course love to know about it because if it can really beat Uncle Ben’s thing then any and every grower who tops should have it tattooed on their ass and memorize it like the Ten Commandments because it would have to be so amazing that at some point in time it had to have been carved into stone and handed down from the mountaintop.


Well-Known Member
Jeez bricktop, you sure do put alot of time and thought into your posts. Every post ive seen from you since you came back has been these home runs of yours. lol,

I tried repping you right after posting this message but i gotta spread some around first.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you covered my questions and I failed to connect the dots but I guess my questions would be how many full nodes did you grow to before cutting back to where you cut and the second question is because of my old eyes I guess I really could not count the number of nodes left after topping by looking at your pictures, but is it two full nodes and then roughly about a quarter inch above the node is where you made your cut?

If you vegged to 5 or 6 nodes and then topped just above the second node then by having read or heard or by chance or by accident you pretty much duplicated Uncle Ben’s topping technique. That is basically it, crammed into a nutshell so small it could pass for a ‘bean,’ but that is more or less it minus the technical jargon and a bit of preciseness.

The pictures are easily clear enough to show two main leaders beginning to take off but either because the pictures were taken to soon, or possibly camera angle or direction of shot or even lighting might have been enough, alone or combined, to not show that there were two more lower main leaders. The top/upper ones will always be spotted first, be more prominent. Sometimes the others will never catch up, but they will still be there, just a tiny bit lower/shorter and maybe a tad bit less in production.

It is impossible to tell from the pictures exactly what your case may be. The most accurate anyone could be would to say that you now have two where you once had one but you might end up with one or two more per plant. After that regardless of what anyone might think or claim, at this point and relying only on those pictures, trying to be any more precise than what I said would be factoring in pure guesswork into the given answer.

If by chance you did what I described above, which I hope you did, and I hope you then have the same sort of luck with it as I have since Uncle Ben clued me in. I do not always top, for various and varying reasons, but when I do top, and do it that way, most of the time I end up with four main leaders replacing the one that I cut. Second most common, and in my experience not all that close to the most common, is to have three main leaders replacing the one that was cut.

In the title name to his thread that is a sticky is says something like how to get 2 to 4 colas. He was playing it safe by saying 2 to 4. Two is of course always possible, I have had it happen. But in my experience most plants will push out 4 main leaders and then next would be with 3 main leaders and now and then there will only be 2 main leaders. The way it has worked for me is if done right, only ending up with 2 main leaders is such a rarity that it could safely almost have been eliminated from the thread title and gone with 3 to 4 colas instead and not taken much of a risk of looking all that inaccurate or like he was bragging about what his technique would do if used/followed.

If by chance that is what you did, well then you might be in like Flynn with four main leaders/colas per plant. If you did it much different or the number of nodes remaining below the cut is less, expect two main leaders per plant and if you want more you will have to nip again.

In the future if topping follow the yellow brick road, as in do what Uncle Ben suggests be done. It is reliable/consistent and simple to do and gives good to great results. If there is a way that consistently beats it through simple topping I have never run across it, though if one exists I would of course love to know about it because if it can really beat Uncle Ben’s thing then any and every grower who tops should have it tattooed on their ass and memorize it like the Ten Commandments because it would have to be so amazing that at some point in time it had to have been carved into stone and handed down from the mountaintop.
yes i cut a little above the 2nd node and i had 5 total nodes i was trying uncle bens method. theres only those 2 leads there wernt more hidden so maybe it was just the reaction these particular plants had was just 2 colas...still better than 1!


Well-Known Member
Under UB topping method for 4 tops, you needed to top the plant above the 2nd true node from the bottom to the top. If you counted 2 nodes from top down then you will have 2 tops.


Well-Known Member
Jeez bricktop, you sure do put alot of time and thought into your posts. Every post ive seen from you since you came back has been these home runs of yours. lol,

I tried repping you right after posting this message but i gotta spread some around first.
WOW !!!!!

I had to go crack a beer! :o:mrgreen::mrgreen:

I'll rep him, since my answer was going to be a simple "Looks good to me". LOL

Got 2 for sure and it looks like 2 more just below. :clap::leaf:



Active Member
I read about UB's topping technique after I performed my first topping ever.:(

I had two shooting up with two below just like you so I bent the top two down to the sides and this let the bottom two catch up to the top two. Then just alternated bending the two sets and now i have 4 growing laterally and then straight up. I can almost lower a small cfl right into the middle of the plant.


i got a problem with my plant...first off they very top leaves are currling in (like a hotdog bun) any idea what this is from? and second problem...i tried to lst my plant 2day for the second time...what happened was catastrophic....my plant snapped at the main steam about 3 nodes down from the top!!! whats gonna happen? gonna die? or will it just regenerate kinda like a super topping or something lol

this is my first grow attempt so im still a rookie so cut me some slack


Active Member
oops! I guess it depends on how bad the snap is you can try and splint it to hold it together and hope it heals itself. If it is really bad I would cut it off properly and shape what shoots up. Providing you have a couple decent nodes below. This is my first grow too so don't take my two cents as expert advice. I did read that you should do bending after you water so the plant is more pliable. As far as the curling leaves it can be to much fert or water or both.