1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Active Member
decided to spend my tax rebate on me setup lol.was fed up of prices goin up or quantity goin down so thought what the hell.is it safe postin on this site or am i just bein paranoid? lol:roll:


Well-Known Member
update? i'm into your grow as much as my own. coz your at an exciting stage.
i'm a bit paranoid about posting pics too Jimmi, but like krimes i'm only doing it for percy so hopefully the old bill have got bigger fish to fry. i'll be starting a journal in about a week when i get my own camera (i hope its safe too).
i fucking shit my self last night, i was in the kitchen stripping leaves off my plant and heard voices out the back. when i looked out there were two coppers in the garden two doors down rowing with the twat that lives there. i hope they didn't smell anything, as you know i aint got a filter. i'm sorting one out on saturday.


Well-Known Member
yes i have, it tastes reall green, its nowhere near ready yet, got me stoned though so thats good enough for me=)

some pics. 1st 2 are the one i chopped the other day and the 2nd 2 are the one i'm doing now
woooooooow drool*

The plants look great man, I can't wait for that day.

Great looking buds oscar, cheers and +rep.


Active Member
Looking good on the grow yourself. I have a really short flowering time... 5 to 7 weeks... So it wont be long til I have some budporn to display... I cant wait


Well-Known Member
oscar ive had coppers in my gaff 8ft away from the growtent mate and i had just put a joint out....I had mars bars in my fucking pants believe :)
As for the update i will do 1 monday as that will be 28days flower.Theres not much change really,they are starting to look whiter now though.
Man everybodies damn near harvesting or harvested......i feel like the poor relation :P


Well-Known Member
Heya storming,damn i didn't realise your flowering time was so short...I'm gunna give em around 10weeks depending on how they look....I want this weed POTENT!!!


Well-Known Member
mines only percy too but i dont know what the cops would think finding 22 3-4ft beasts in the back room. :bigjoint:
Fuck me thats alot of "personal"
i think you would find it hard to explain away 22 plants for yourself,especially with the size of those colas that arent even ready yet....whats your expected yield?


Well-Known Member

Jsut stopping by to check on your WWs. Those plants are looking great!!!! Way to do it right fro the beginning!!! i'll keep checking back!!


Well-Known Member
Yes dippers,good to see you again.

Ok guys,i've took the plunge and bought some stuff for a veg chamber.
Lemmi see...what did i get......

Digital Timer.£7.82 Tesco
2 x 20w CFL daylight bulbs(puts out 100w each).£1.98 for 2 bulbs.Tesco.
2 x Light fitting with clips and plugs.£3 each.Hardware Shop.

I know tinfoil shouldnt be used but its only for 4 plants and heat shouldn't be an issue,I'm using it to try and bounce the light around.
I will post pics when i've sorted it out but please be aware that i'm a terrible D.I.Yer.
The dimensions of my veg cupboard are 300lx150wx200h.
Total price....£16.80...Geeze i'm a cheap fucker haha :)


Active Member
Fuck me thats alot of "personal"
i think you would find it hard to explain away 22 plants for yourself,especially with the size of those colas that arent even ready yet....whats your expected yield?
have no idea on expected yield as its my first (so-far) succesfull crop, what do you guys tthink?


Well-Known Member
have no idea on expected yield as its my first (so-far) succesfull crop, what do you guys tthink?
hard to say really. i think it depends on the strain and the ammount of light you're giving them. my 1st grow i got 12oz from 4 ww's, so with that calculation you'll get 88oz, like krimes said you'll have a job to convince the rozzers its percy, sorry for hijacking your thread krimes, i'm not sure of forum ettiquette as this is the first forum i've had anything to do with..


Well-Known Member
Cheers for that Welshy
Guys post whatever you want here....Tis an open floor at all times :)
Just doing a bit of D.I.Ying at the moment...RawR!
I got the dimensions wrong on my veg chamber aswell earlier...320Lx210Wx310H...thats ok for a veg chamber isn't it?


Active Member
i was told to expect about an ounce+ per plant, but what ive been hearing lately i could be in ww heaven for the next 12 months lol!


Well-Known Member
heh,you should do more than an oz a plant with 3 600w lights from what ive read.....your electric bill must be bangers!!!!!
Mine are coming along fine mate,still gaining height slowly and the tallest is 53inches from the floor,In retrospect i might have gone a bit to far with the pruning but you live and learn.All in all i'm happy with my first grow whatever i yield :)
I've nearly botched my veg cupbaord so i'll post some pics when its finished.