1st Time Uk Grower~Fem WW~DR100 Setup


Well-Known Member
wow nice...i didnt know seeds could go for that much,dude that must be some fucking smoke...post some pics if u can,im off to google this strain now :)


Well-Known Member
Krimez, sorry bro the video card in my laptop literally melted so I had to get a whole new one. :finger: Gateway. So yea man great news about the seeds. Forums like RIU do a lot to "motivate" them to treat people right. They know we talk to each other. But yea if you're still contemplating your next strain selection I have two you should put at the top of the list. BC Roadkill and Sweet God from Cannacopia. I'm not sure if you can get them where you are but it is worth looking into. They are available as seeds but I got mine as cuttings from a friend. Just harvested the first batch and am more than pleased with both. Considering eliminating most of my previous strains in favor of more of these :shock: Not sure how you feel about others' porno all up in your journal but I can't resist. Forgive me.

Roadkill... purpley

Sweet God... wow


i ii

i think i came.

that second picture = :hump:


Well-Known Member
Well hello all :)

Ok day 19 from flower....Things are going good..Temp and humidity are spot on.
Checked the p.h of my feed and the run off from the feeding and they are both coming back at 6.0...is that ok?
Budsites are starting to develop and theres a lovely aroma when i open the tent....mmmmmm!
Tallest 2 are over 4ft from the floor and the other 2 are 3-4 inches behind them.
Mixed 6ltrs of feed this morning comprising of 30ml hesi bloom,10ml powerzyme,10ml phosphorous plus and 2 drops of supervit and fed 1 1/2ltrs each.
I've hit the peak of the feeding spectrum now mared so im gunna hold these doses for the next 2-3weeks before i gradually drop them down.

Here are the pics.....

Took a couple of pics if the clones,their leaves look a bit wilted as they had been left out an hour or so....dunno if theyre gunna root....


Active Member
£20 for 2.5 grms.....i pay £160 per oz for quality weed which will last me 2weeks(depending on who comes round and stuff)....alot of that sprayed cack knockin about for£140
man your getting it cheap i have to fork out £10 a g £280 an O but is'nt that why were farmers now lol


Well-Known Member
shit thats a scandalous amont of money for an Oz!
I managed to get lucky a few weeks ago and picked up an oz of WW for £150,lol i almost bit his fucking hand off =)


Active Member
yeah i know m8 grew a nice ww 1st grow in a nft set up but 2nd grow killed off 4 lady's with to much nuits so have gone to soil, your
plants are stun'n man for a 1st grow respect


Well-Known Member
your grow is really starting to look the nuts, great job man. its so exciting watching them take shape, i wish i'd started growing years ago, i feel like i've been missing out all this time.

a tip for your clones, i watched a video on youtube about cloning and it says to cut the big fan leaves in half coz its hard to support such big leaves with no root system, like i've said before i'm no expert but its something to think about. i'll post some pics tomorrow of my jh. i think gonna chop my ww's tomorrow its been 9 1/2 weeks, i'll post some pics of them too.
did you google jack herer?


Active Member
guys need a little help finding the lamp holders that carry 2 bulbs my grows are under CFLs and wanna add a bit more light in flowering tried b&q, homebase, but nowt, other lamps would give me a big heat problem any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
just been having a closer look at your clones. did you cut them while they were flowering? i've done that with my jh's coz i didn't want pay for those seeds again and i'm getting some really wierd growth, single bladed leaves with no jagged edges. i've bought a dr40 and some cfls so that they can have light 24/7. are you keeping them in your flowering tent? i'll post some pics of my little extention tomorrow, is ok to do that in your thread? i'll take them off once you've seem them. i'm still paranoid about posting pics.
i'll have to do a journal. i admire your guts to do one. theres not that many uk growers on here so hopefully theres not any uk old bill...


Well-Known Member
Hey all tnx for your comments and stopping by.
Yea the clones were cut in flower and still in my growtent,im not expecting them to do much at all.Dunno why i did it really.
Sure post your pics here nps and im gunna try cutting the clones leafs like you said.
I'm thinking of buying a 250w enviro light in the blue spectrum so i can make myself a veg chamber,would this light be ok for a 4 plants?
As for U.K growers...theres quite a few you know ;)


Well-Known Member
Ok,so its late..I'm stoned watching some shite on tv laying on my big comfy sofa,i cant lie i feel good!

+REP for everybody thats stopped by =)

Theres only 33 pages to go through lol :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
i think i've done it right, it only lets me do 4 at a time. i'm a bit of a doughnut when it comes to computers... i put the fag on that ww bud (thats a bottom branch) to show scale the other bud shot is the jh.

