1st time shrooms, how much?

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
so a friend of mine got an ounce of "columbian gold caps" and said he would half it with me.

My question is how many should i take? should i eat caps and stems?

i dont want to get conpletlt f-ed 1st time, i just want to see if its somthing im into.

If it matters i weigh about 180lbs and my wife (who will take them too) weighs about 130lbs
Any help would be good, THNX
If you don't want to lose face the first time, I'd recommend taking two grams and seeing how that feels first. An eighth may get a little heady for somebody on their first ride.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
cool, should i eat just the caps or stems too, i asked my buddy and he said he eats the stems too but he can also hold down a 1/2 ounce by him self in one night (seen him do it...twice) when i asked him how much he said he couldnt even remember how much he took the 1st time because it was so long ago
Eat it all brother. What I typically do is get a glass bowl and cut the fruits into smaller chunks. Then just slam on them and wash it down with some OJ.

a dog named chico

Well-Known Member
what is the next day going to feal like? sorry for all the stupid questions i am one of those guys who will not try anything until i know how everything will be. i know to trip in a comfortable place and set the vibe to prevent a bad trip, but should i take a long weekend to do thease, i know with LSD or MDMA a person can feel shitty for like three days after you take it 1st time.


Well-Known Member
what is the next day going to feal like? sorry for all the stupid questions i am one of those guys who will not try anything until i know how everything will be. i know to trip in a comfortable place and set the vibe to prevent a bad trip, but should i take a long weekend to do thease, i know with LSD or MDMA a person can feel shitty for like three days after you take it 1st time.
The next day you might feel tired, kinda worn out physical but be a otherwise good mood. Nothing too bad.


Active Member
I have given 2-2.5 grams to many first timers that are girls and they are fine. I gave 4 grams to a male friend (150lb) on a first trip and it IMO was too much. He would have freaked if I wasn't sitting him. I gave 3.5 to a 200lb male friend and he was fine on a first trip. I am fine the next day with less than 3 grams. 4 grams and I am pretty lethargic the following day. I grind it up in a coffee bean grinder, stems and caps and drink with OJ. If you are a pot smoker you should be fine with any amount. It's people who only use alcohol that seem to get thrown into another realm of thought on a heavy dose and they can't handle it. If you take 4+g just remember you won't die and it will end and don't watch the clocks.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
1.75g - 3.5g..

You can always take a lil bit and work up from there, once you've taken a lot you can't subtract.

^ Keep that in mind


Well-Known Member
OK, I guess most people know I reccommend proper doses, not the ones advised here....but I meant to comment on the next day thing, the first couple of times I felt awesome the day after....

Iron Lion Zion

Well-Known Member
I'd say for you - take 2g and see how you feel after like 30 mins to an hour. if you feel fine eat another 1g or 1.5g.

For your wife I would say to eat like 1.5 - 1.75g and wait the same amount of time and then eat maybe another 1g if she feels cool.

If you hate the taste of em, I usually make a peanut butter and honey sandwich - covers the taste up perfectly.


Well-Known Member
I did an eighth the first time and it was a bit much. If you got some good shrooms it will be pretty intense. You analyze everyting that happens, its crazy. I had visuals every time i did them. Its very hard to expain but you literally feel "insane." I know I, and others have said the same, felt like I would never be"sane" again. I took an eighth each time. Definetly dont plan on being out in public. Its a bad idea. The next day I always still feel like my brain is warped. I havent done them in years though.

Sometimes when you bite into a stem it will be gushy inside. Its pretty nasty. I hope you and you wife are pretty good together because other people can really trip you out.

dont ever try lysergic acid diethylamide then. ever.....


Well-Known Member
your posts in general douche, "i dont eat them any more because im not 17".
Like saying I dont kill jews anymore cause the holocaust is over. bad example. but your a douche. lol


Well-Known Member
you started back with an argument, lolololollolololol. might be the scotch but this shit is hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!