1st time lemon skunk need help!!!


Active Member
hi there i have a lemon skunk plant veggd for 4 weeks under 250w hps n now 29 days since i started 12/12 cycle under a 600w hps bud growth is virtually nothing jus lots of white hairs and absolutely nothing of a main cola atm am using terra flores bloom nutrient wich is 2-2-4 probably the main problem but im gona pick up some hammerhead 9/18 tomorow . light is about 30cm away from the plant ph 6.8 and room temprature 80c any advice on how i could save this plant and harvest a reasonable crop? thankyou for ur help!



Well-Known Member
do you have fresh air coming in to the room? I would tie that top over to get more even light to the whole plant. or bend the top slowly until it snaps and stays bent


Well-Known Member
no your main cola will be even bigger by bending it, if you tie it over it will def increase your yield. you will have several larger colas instead of 1 large one.

i would def bend those tops over about 8-10 inches down to make your canopy more even. in my experience bending increases yield at the top and makes buds more dense. i would not mess with your nutes as your leaves look very healthy.

if you want i will shoot you some picks of my bent colas later. give it a week your buds should start filling in nicely this week


Active Member
thanks mate advice greatly appreciated i will do that now and hopefuly start to see some increase in bud growth , you know if its ok to switch nutrients at week 4? currently im using terra flores 2-2-4 but need to switch to a better one any ideas? cheers


Well-Known Member
im not familiar with that nute as i do mostly hydro, but im of the opinion brand doesnt matter much. if your leaves are a dark green color dont sweat it. If they start turning yellow or discoloration, twisting, etc then you should worry about nute probs.

i would just try bending or tieing those plants and develop a nice even canopy and slam that light down as close as you can. for soil ive always used fox farm but like i said i dont think brand matters much. i would keep doing what your doing as they look really healthy.

oh yeah BEND THEM VERY SLOWLY, like take 10 seconds to bend it so it doesnt brake. it will lay down in the direction you want it to go and stay there. if you do happen to brake one, just tape it back together and it will heal up fine.