1st time grower


ok its my first thread and my 1st post
and 1st time growing
so i'd like you to check out
my plants i will put some pics in a lil


ok i chudnite find my camera so i had to use my cell phone camera i only took 2 pics and there not that good butt if i have time tomarrow i will take more and better ones let me know if the pics i took are to small and i no im going to have to transplant



Well-Known Member
hey dude they looks pretty good, i start my first outdoor grow aswell, feel free to check it out. scribed.


ya i will check it out i think its going to be a lil hard 4 me to grow cuz i still dont have a place to put them and i live at home so


Well-Known Member
They need light dude. They are going to fall over and die if you don't get them under some artificial light indoors or take them outside. Bury them three or four inches deeper than they are now when you do one of the two.


Well-Known Member
yea see how the main growth shoot is so enlongated? you need to put your lights closer or put them outside out of direct light till they're used to it after a couple weeks


im trying to find a place close to where i live i was going to put them outdoors this weekend but i cant find a place i need to find 1 befor tha die on me


i am a first time grower and i was thinking of puting them in my gutter till they got to big then puting them in a bright spot in the woods


i moved my plants outside today i was going to take some pics but i didnt have time to so i will take some pics tomarrow or something


ok its been a few weeks and i said i was going to put up some pics but i forgot

well i moved my plants like a week or 2 ago
and me and my friend went to when we moved them and when we got back there tha where all cut up and ripped out of the
ground im kinda pissid tha where geting big butt me and my friend are going to ty and grow again


Active Member
Hopefully it was animals, otherwise your grow site is compromised ;( Next time try urinating around the site (will last about a week) or if your plans are more long term, put down some fence posts and line with fishing wire.


i dont think it was animals cuz the cuts where clean and where i live there are no animals big enough to ripp them out of the ground