
Active Member
Its my first time growing a pot plant
and i'd like to learn more about
the needs it has..well i have 1 plant
and it's about 22cm - 1.5 months old..:hump:
I water it every day at 2am :joint:

Do you think that it needs transplanting???



Well-Known Member
It's pretty small for a month and half,you should transplant it to a bigger container.You only have one plant,is it a feminized seed or a clone from a female??If it's not and it's a male your gonna be dissapointed.Oh yeah what type of soil nutes are you using


Active Member
It's pretty small for a month and half,you should transplant it to a bigger container.You only have one plant,is it a feminized seed or a clone from a female??If it's not and it's a male your gonna be dissapointed.Oh yeah what type of soil nutes are you using
Ιts small i know..
its from seed and its not feminized seed
cause i took it from the weed i'had bought..
Now about the type of soil its pure soil from my moms garden :neutral: and added some pure fertiziler :joint:


Active Member
It's pretty small for a month and half,you should transplant it to a bigger container.You only have one plant,is it a feminized seed or a clone from a female??If it's not and it's a male your gonna be dissapointed.Oh yeah what type of soil nutes are you using
I Should i know but what about now???
its from seed and its not feminized seed
cause i took it from the weed i'had bought..
...about the type of soil... its pure soil from my moms garden :neutral: and added some pure manure :joint:


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look bad but growth has probably been limited. do you have hole in the bottom of your container?Once you switch containers it should grow nice.I grow hydroponically now but when i grew in soil I used to buy soil with no nutrients put 50% soil 25% perlite 25% vermiculte.You should probably grow a couple more to ensure you get a female


Active Member
tommorow i'll buy perlite and vemiculite.
i'm 70% sure that its female cause it has
the haracteristic "V" on stems..
the "V" its pretty small but i saw it.


Well-Known Member
check too see if it's root bound by letting the soil kinda dry out, and then turn it upside down till the cup losens, then look at the roots!!!if they are spriraling at the bottom, put it in a bigger pot.ps don't water it everyday, water it when the soil is dry one half inch below the top layer....hope this helps!
yeah repot, move to watering every other day, or every three days when he/she dries out
jcdws602 I like your mix, I think a third of each might be better...but word up on everyone else's advice.... wait till shes dry n give her some water thats set out for 24-48 hours just in case...sun or indoor? I know its the outdoor section but wtf some peeps start their shit indoors... I think she looks okay so far

and you wont know sex till your 12.12, is the light cycle already there? gluck bro


Well-Known Member
He doesn't know what he's talking about. You should be able to tell when they get a bit bigger. Don't worry about light hours or anything like that.


Well-Known Member
Probably stuck out like a sore thumb if it's the same spot you had it when you took your pictures. Try to camo that baby and take it out of that eye scorching styrofome cup.