1st time grower w/ bubbleponics system, NL x Skunk 1


So I got a nice surprise this morning when I checked on the ladies... the other NL x Skunk was coming out as well as the super critical haze ( which I planted a day after the NL! ). Good stuff on you sticking around for this rome ( with the same setup we can help each other out ), I'll be subscribing to yours whenever you get it going. And thanks alot for the info lando, I was worried I was gonna have to start over.

PS sorry for the out of focus pictures my camera sucks



Just a quick question, all the NL are doing great but the initial leafs on the super critical haze are starting to dip downward... is that ok?


the super critical haze is doing better, the two seeds (NL X Skunk, and super critical haze) are just taking off. Otherwise everything else is good. Oh I added the other half of the nutes today so I can start my nute schedule next week and to make sure they'll be able to handle the schedule.


Happy easter everyone (for those that celebrate). So the NL #1 (the biggest one) is starting to develop these small brown spots on one of the leafs, I noticed them slowly developing after I lowered the lights, and its only on one leaf... burning from light? Otherwise all the other plants are good.


That is unfortunately from nute burn. You'll want to check your ph and drop your nute load. As for the small baby leaves that are diping, not a problem at all. They are diping because new stem growth is pushing them downward. I would be more concerned with the brown spots. Look in the growing section on this site for Uncle Ben's sick plant guide. He has some pretty detailed info which will help you a ton. You can also post questions directly to him. FYI, on this, he is old school and is a bit kranky. Post good pics and be direct with your questions and explain your set up and he'll help you out. The CFLs should not burn the leaves because the heat output from them isnt enough to do that. Plus you dont have them all that close. At what concentration did you use your grow big nutes? Alittle bit goes a long way for seedlings in a hydro system. You'll want to start off at least 1/2 what it recomends. I usually start with big bloom at 1/2 concentration for the first 2 weeks and then slowly work in grow big. Let me know.
hoho, i dont know why I didnt tell you earlier about the ff stuff. You'll want to use the big bloom in the beginning because it will help prevent lockout. Without getting to intense into detail you can lockout nutes if plants arent acclimated to a nute solution. Most of the time the nutes that get "locked out" are mirco nutes like Cal and Mag. Those brown spots are not nute burn but a Cal/Mag deficiency. Here's how to correct that.
http://www.marijuana-seeds.net/Thanks-ThankYou.htm (for pics :) )
Magnesium deficiency will exhibit a yellowing (which may turn brown) and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. The older leaves will be the first to develop interveinal chlorosis. Starting at leaf margin or tip and progressing inward between the veins. Notice how the veins remain somewhat green though as can be seen in figure 15.
Notice how in Figure 16 and 17 the leaves curl upwards like they're praying? They're praying for Mg! The tips may also twist.
This can be quickly resolved by watering with 1 tablespoon Epsom salts/gallon of water. Until you can correct nutrient lockout, try foliar feeding. That way the plants get all the nitrogen and Mg they need. The plants can be foliar feed at ½ teaspoon/quart of Epsom salts (first powdered and dissolved in some hot water). When mixing up soil, use 2 teaspoon dolomite lime per gallon of soil.
If the starting water is above 200 ppm, that is pretty hard water, that will lock out mg with all of the calcium in the water. Either add a 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of epsom salts or lime (both will effectively reduce the lockout or invest into a reverse osmosis water filter.
Mg can get locked-up by too much Ca, Cl or ammonium nitrogen. Don't overdo Mg or you'll lock up other nutrients.


I started them on just water at first then after a couple days added 1/2 big bloom and 1/2 grow big, and then after a week added the other half of the big bloom and grow big. I just now drained my res and refilled it with fresh water and 1 tsp per gal of grow big and 2 tsp per gal of big bloom (I changed the res because I screwed up the pH trying to bring it down). Also the humidity in the tent has been between 15% and 20% for the last couple days, is that ok?


How do I know if the plants are in lock out or just have a mg deficiency? What if I started adding cal mag?


Ok, I just grabbed the epsom salt and added it to the res @ 1 Tbsp per gal... also gonna foliar feed when lights go out.
"1 tsp per gal of grow big and 2 tsp per gal of big bloom" I would keep the nutes like this until the brown spots go away and then gradually increase the nutes until you are at recommended concentrations. I would stick with the epsom salt for now and try the foliar feeding. As for the cal mag it certainly woudlnt hurt to get that into the solution as well. You might want to check out advanced nutrients feeding schedule and general hydroponics feeding schedule. I recommend general hydroponics. Subsitute your fox farms nutes for their equivs and think about incorporating the cal mag. Fox farms is great for organic soil growing, i only use fox farms in outdoor and indoor soil grows. However, hydroponics is not what they do but have offered products because they want to compete. Kinda how sony got into car audio to make the money kenwood and alpine make. They have nice stuff but not the whole package. Remember the solution the roots are in feed the plant. If it is missing something you will need to add it and watch you ph. Does this help?


As you can see by the pictures I had some bad deficiencies and some nute burn. So I ended up flushing the plants with fresh water for 12 hours then added nutes but at like 1/4 the dosage, I also got the cal mag today and added that as well. The plants are doing alot better today than they were about 2 days ago so I'm happy about that, the funny thing was I thought they werent growing because of what was happening but they have been.:hump:



So just another update, started ff nute schedule friday but at exactly half the recommended plus 1 tsp per gal of cal mag, and the ladies are loving it. One question I had though was can I cut the fan leaves off that got nute burn? Will that stress the plant alot?

Pic #1 is NL #1, pic 2 is NL #2, pic 3 is the Haze, and pic 4 is NL #3



Active Member
NORML Joe, nice to see another bubbleponic grow. I am about done with mine maybe 2-4 weeks left.

Some things I did in the beginning to help in the long run was to cover the tote with some foil tape. Some peeps paint thiers but the tape is easy and you can do it with the water still in the res. This will help prevent some algea/bacteria growth by keeping the res dark as can be.

I added another air stone for 2 total, I was reading to have 1 watt of air for each gallon of water.

The drain helps a lot and make res changes easy.

You can also use the pump to help with res changes. Just D/C the the dripper and use a length of hose to hook to the pump and pump the res water into a bucket or something.

Once the roots hit the water ditch the drippers all together. You can keep the pump in there to move the water, but it can heat the water a bit if you are having res temp issues.

Your plants are looking real good, I wouldn't worry about cutting off the nute burned leaves, they will fall later or just look a little spotty, as long as the new growth is good, no worries.

Once you get a good res change schedule and figure out your feeding schedule, its easy as can be. I would recommend getting a ppm/ph meter you'lll want to keep an eye on those daily, or every other day. Also, you can check your tap water to make sure its good.

Good luck man, your off to a great start, check out my grow if you get a chance, just click my sig.


Thanks for the look and tips Ledzep! + rep and I'm subscribed to yours... I cant wait for mine to be that close!! Yeah I got 2 12" airstones running off of one dual air pump I picked up at petco (I think its a tetra dual air pump). I also added another light just a little while ago. I'll definitely look into that tape to cover the res.



Active Member
Looking good man...it's amazing how fast they take off after switching to 12/12! Thanks for the +rep, appreciated