1st time grower needs Help with plants please!!!


This is my 1st time growing indoors!

Plants are under fluoros (more than 15cm away from the top)

Ph is between 6.8 & 7.0

I added Nitrosol after I took these pics & they still look the same.

The stems have purple veins.

I only water once the leaves seems slightly droopy.

Please check out the pics!



For CFL's Get the light down as close as u can without burning.
The Color is from the tips to the middle. I would say that yellowing is because your runoff water is probably More Basic Then acidic which MJ plants dont like. They do like acidic more.

Next grow i'd add some peatmoss for mositure control.. (Peat moss is more for acidic plants)

As far as your problem now, Theres a few things you can do... Flush them a bit and Add some nitrogen to the soil. It does look like a Nitro Def.
The reason for the Flush is ONLY if the Nitrogen doesnt help. Why? Because you probably have a "lockout" Do to PH.

Thanks and good luck.


1 more thing... IT almost looks like you are using ALL or mostly compost? Am i Right?
If so.... Thats a Pretty "BASIC" Medium (PH)


I used to have it about 2cm from the tip but then the leaves scorched.
I use 4 x 54w cool white fluoros.
It's normal potting soil and not compost but it's still basic, how do I solve the "lockout" Do to PH.


Well-Known Member
looks like ur lady could use some n
other than that looks good
have u been spraying the leaves under the lights ?


I have not sprayed anything on the plants not even water.
I have not added any fertiliser except for Nitrosol and that was ONLY after the plant started to become sick.
I also have a PH meter and the lowest is 6.8 & the highest is 7.0
I always check the water PH before I water.
These plants are 7 weeks in veg state for 24 hrs a day.
The shortest plant is 25cm & the tallest is about 40cm.
It's also easy to see condition of roots as the containers are clear, so it's to see when to water.

Do I add a different fertiliser to increase nitrogen?
Any other recommendations?

Cronic The Hemp Hog

Active Member
I don't think the roots like light like that. You might want to cover up the clear containers. It does look like nute burn, have you tried flushing them?


I've tried flushin it twice with plain water.
I would have imagined that root exposure to light would be good considering Hydroponics grow very well.
My understanding was that marijuana plant roots require light & oxygen to grow at it's peak. (like Hydro)

Cronic The Hemp Hog

Active Member
I don't think the roots are supposed to be exposed to light in a hydro set-up. But then again, last time I grew hydro was like 5 years ago but my roots were not exposed to light when I did.


Well-Known Member
I don't think the roots are supposed to be exposed to light in a hydro set-up. But then again, last time I grew hydro was like 5 years ago but my roots were not exposed to light when I did.
there not i grow hydro nft and drip and drain
and know 4 sure no light is ment 2 get 2 the roots
u need 2 wrap them in duct tape or transplant asap
or else ur gonna meet mr algy my friend and hes not very nice lol