1st time grower, need your help/ideas.


Active Member
DWC? (Sorry, newbie.) Gonna use the Aeroflo18 or 36 (Haven't decided yet) which I would assume means im adding nutes, air stones and water into the reservoir provided. Correct me if I'm wrong or too high lol
Yea ur right, since u wanna have a nice big grow i say go with the aeroflo, i really want to get a waterfarm kit and grow my first hydro plants with bubbleponics.

DWC= Deep Water Culture(bubbleponic,aero, ebb flood & drain ect...) Basically growing plants with water instead of soil.
Giovanni, in the first post you gave me the link for that virtual sun light. Is it a problem that it's not cool tubed? Or is that the tube for it in the pic? About to buy everything but just need to make sure


Active Member
Giovanni, in the first post you gave me the link for that virtual sun light. Is it a problem that it's not cool tubed? Or is that the tube for it in the pic? About to buy everything but just need to make sure
yea this one can be air cooled, just hook up ur ducting to the open end right next to the light, it will be a 6" diameter.http://www.amazon.com/Virtual-Sun-VS1000DS-000-Watt-Digital/dp/B004DDX9B2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1318713237&sr=8-2

ducting- http://www.amazon.com/Flexible-Ducting-25-ft/dp/B002JLA8XM/ref=acc_glance_ol_ai_ps_t_8