1st time grower having problems


I'm currently trying to grow white knight strain under 600hps in a grow tent i have temps going no higher then 82 and humidity no higher then 41 to 44. my plants seemed to be doing well untill i put them under lights. the pictures can show you what im going thru the stems of this strain is turning purple in some areas. its currently in black gold soil in a 10 gallon pot. and the other in a 5 gallon.
questions how can i fix this and the other question is how much water per gallonsshould i be giving the plants in a 10gallon and 5 gallon.
using foolidge pro for nutes only.
giving plants 1tsp of foliage pro every watering.



Well-Known Member
They look under fed for one and for two have you noticed any bugs around ...what's the white stuff on the leaf there in the pic ....


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with your food your using .....but as far as watering goes I water gently until you get some runoff out the bottom .....I like to water twice because if the soil is really dry it will just run down the sides/soil and out the bottom leaving dry spots .......so I water enough to cover the top layer of soil really good ....wait 15 or 20 minutes then water the rest of the way until I get runoff out the bottom .....just use a gallon container to water your pots and you'll figure out how much each of them takes for the days you mix nutes up .......good luck


Well-Known Member
Look for bugs ,also I agree up the feed to around ,1.3 ec ,it may be the start of my powdery mildew,knats sticky strips give the plants a shake ever so often,let the soil dry out


sorry tyke whats 1.3 or did you mean up it to another tsp I'm using 1 tsp per gallon so should i up it 2 tsp per gallon?


Well-Known Member
Ec electric conductivity,just up it by a bit get a truncheon dude honest makes things a lot easier ,ppm ec or cf truncheon or pen


Well-Known Member
you have mites. you might have a chance to save them its seems early, from what I can see.


thanks everyone what i did today was take my plants inspected them throughly cleand about every leaf w a fine tooth comb and then sprayed them w some water top and inside of leafs. i did see some and destroyed what i saw on my plants ill repeat process tommorrow and get some need oil

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
it takes weeks to get rid of them with neem . if possible take the plants out side and put a pest bomb in the room empty of pets and people wash plant as you did hard running water scrub with hands . then spray on mighty wash let dry then every other day neem oil .


thanks bryan, ill hold off on bombing the tent lol. I'll watch them very carefully every other day under leafs and keep at it.
As far as the purple stems, could be strain dependent or could be lacking magnesium. The latter of the 2 is more common. Do you use cal mag or and mag supplement currently? As far as the mites are concerned, mites love hot dry air, the plants are in veg, try to bring the humidity up to around 55-65%. With your temps running low 80's and if you got your RH in the range mentioned above you shouldn't have to worry about powdery mildew and on the same time your creating a optimal environment for your veg plants and a less likable environment for spider mites.:leaf: