1st time grower. discolouring leaves please help. barneys farm blue cheese 15 days


In my experience, and I used to mess up a lot! hehe That looks like nute burn coming on, or pH level is high! But that is only my opinion from what my victims looked like! :)
In my experience, and I used to mess up a lot! hehe That looks like nute burn coming on, or pH level is high! But that is only my opinion from what my victims looked like! :)
ph level is 5.6.....is this ok. I havent used nutes for a week soil is plagron grow mix with perlite.jpgplagron grow mix with perlite. The man in the grow shop said there was enough nutes in the soil for 3 weeks. Thaks for the help... keep it coming pls

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
At pH 5.6 in soil you have pretty much prevented the plant from getting any nutrients from the soil.

You should try to get the pH to around 6.5 in soil.


Assuming you have a nice environment(temps light etc) ya just start watering at 6.5 ph and hopefully the new growth will look better. At that point, maybe 2 weeks from now, i would transplant into a gallon or bigger pot filled with soil that doesnt have any nutrients in it, I use the roots coco stuff in the camoflaged bags and it has always worked well. I usually then mix my fertilizer up about 400 ppm and water the transplanted plant in the new soil with that. Next watering i use 700 and keep it about 1000 after that till the plant is done completely. I use flora nova fertilizer which works wellfor me but Im sure lots of others will work great too


Active Member
Been there done that.
I flush with room temp water that has 6.3 ph and B1 added. They will recover, all that is happening is your plants cant get what they need at the moment because of your PH.

Personally I stay away from mediums that have "some" nutes in them lol. I would rather control 100% of the food.
Ok ill give it a try. This has only come up in the last 24hrs. If this is being caused by ph level would it not have shown up sooner


I think the PH being out of a certain range keeps the plant from absorbing certain parts of the fertilizer. So eventually the plant starts showing signs of a problem. Keep it simple, all you have to do is put plants in good soil that doesnt have any nutrients, use a good simple grow/bloom fertilizer and check the ppm and ph of what you give the plant.
Ill keep that in mind for my next grow but i dont feel like killing these off just. Will i just increase ph and see what happens.Also how long before i should see an improvement

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
I would give them a really good watering (flushing) of pH 6.5 water to make sure that the pH is at the level that the plants can use nutes, then once the excess water has drained away I would water with 1/4 strength nutes.
You should see improvement is a day or two.