1st time grower basic questions to get started


Active Member
Ive looked through a lot of the Noob fourms searching for the complete basics.
Im a second semister senior in high school, and i really have nothing else to do and most dealers were running dry and stopped slinging. Ive spent over 4 hours just looking all over differnent websites to get the basics and i think i have a hang of it but still had a couple questions that were not completly answered by other posts.
Getting started
So first off, Most websites for buying seeds are in europe, is there anyway to get seeds in U.S without having it be for a medical condition. Anyone know of anywhere in socal? I probley sound reallyy noobish.
whens the best season to start.? From others it was late april.?
I found a good spot in a canyon about a mile walk from my house and any civilization near by. Theres small 5 foot palm trees all around so its barley visible but has a good angle for morning light.
From here, would i dig a hole stick a jiffy pot in. and put some soil. I was just going to get simple soil like Scotts Soil from home depot unless anyone else has better suggestion which havent been to clear in other fourms.

Just want to make sure if i got the right steps
After sproating the seeds,planting, and the plant getting to its first/ second nod of spiked leaves and continuing to water when the plant feels dry even down 2 inches in the soil. Looking out for mold and removing leaves if there is any, once plant reaches 6-7 nods of spiked leaves i should fertilize with a 20-20-20 fertilizer? How much should i use? I can than 12/12 them for sexing, flowering, after the white pistols are 3/4 brown i can than dry them.
I feel like a complete noob. Let me know if this will work out.



Well-Known Member
nirvana and attitude seeds both ship to us in disguised packages.

if your growing indoors start anytime and finish anytime. if yor going outside i reccomend starting inside now and waiting till the after the last frost to transplant outside. so transplant around the end of march depending on where you are.

you last paragraph sounds pretty accurate. only the nutes should be in the ratio of 1-2-1 so like shultz 10-15-10 is what i use. and i have been thinking about using the MG bloom booster this time (not sure what the n-p-k value is. basically make sure it has more phosphorous and potassium than nitrogen. and make sure it also has the minor nutes in it too.


Well-Known Member
nirvana and attitude seeds both ship to us in disguised packages.

if your growing indoors start anytime and finish anytime. if yor going outside i reccomend starting inside now and waiting till the after the last frost to transplant outside. so transplant around the end of march depending on where you are.

you last paragraph sounds pretty accurate. only the nutes should be in the ratio of 1-2-1 so like shultz 10-15-10 is what i use. and i have been thinking about using the MG bloom booster this time (not sure what the n-p-k value is. basically make sure it has more phosphorous and potassium than nitrogen. and make sure it also has the minor nutes in it too.
I agree with everything dark said but you need to do a lot more research before your grow because you don't want to invest all the time, money and energy into something that fails...You have the general idea but as you'll find out there is so much more to it...Good luck and keep using this resource for any questions throughout your grow...


Active Member
nirvana and attitude seeds both ship to us in disguised packages.

if your growing indoors start anytime and finish anytime. if yor going outside i reccomend starting inside now and waiting till the after the last frost to transplant outside. so transplant around the end of march depending on where you are.

you last paragraph sounds pretty accurate. only the nutes should be in the ratio of 1-2-1 so like shultz 10-15-10 is what i use. and i have been thinking about using the MG bloom booster this time (not sure what the n-p-k value is. basically make sure it has more phosphorous and potassium than nitrogen. and make sure it also has the minor nutes in it too.
well san diego is usually always the same temp. right now its 60-72 degrees outside. And i cant start inside, im in highschool still at home with the family.
Thanks for all the tips and help

I agree with everything dark said but you need to do a lot more research before your grow because you don't want to invest all the time, money and energy into something that fails...You have the general idea but as you'll find out there is so much more to it...Good luck and keep using this resource for any questions throughout your grow...
Yeh i was planning on researching more and browsing though all the threads. Thanks for the help