1st Time Grow...Whatcha Think? ;-0

HyDro Guy

Active Member
These ladies are Bubbelicious from Nirvana seedbank and are 34 days into flowering. I use GH Flora Nova nutes @ 1300 PPM, 600w HPS with blue/red spectrum, CO2 halo @ 1500PPM, RO water PH @ 5.9, Ebb and flow with Hydroton. 85 deg temp during light hours, humidity between 50 and 60, pumps run for 20min every 3 hours while lights on. I looked at some pics of a setup yesterday and I'm tempted to hang my 600w vertical without reflector and I also have another 600w ballast and bulb so I could run 2 instead of 1. Give me your opinion on this plz and tell me what you think.


HyDro Guy

Active Member
Na they don't stink, they smell like flowers. That's the beauty of Bubbelicious, they only stink towards the end of flowering but they are starting to get crystals and when I touch the buds they are pretty damn sticky. I forgot to mention that I also used Phosphoload 2 wks into flowering and that is supposed to increase yeild by 30%. We'll see. I looked at your plants and they look great as well brother. Heres some day 21 pics so you can compare.

